Saturday, October 25, 2008

Sometimes, the past breaks through

On my way into the city yesterday, I spotted something a little different about what was once a second-hand furniture shop on the corner of Carrington Road and Great North Road in Pt Chevalier. Somehow, part of the newer signs along the top of the verandah had come off. Perhaps truck damage ... who knows? Underneath it, however, is a bit of the building's history.

Now, to me it looks like the sign used to read: "Shop at MAX MARKET". It might even be "MAY MARKET" I took a couple of moments to check an old directory from the 1960s, and that shop was once a grocer's, so -- the old sign may be late 1960s to 1970s. A corner general store, the kind that was probably choked off by the 3 Guys development across the road.

I took the shot from a moving bus going through the intersection, by the way, so please excuse the quality. It was a one-shot (which I usually do), quick snap through a grimy bus window while in motion job. I'm glad I had the camera with me. You never know when a bit of the past will suddenly appear from out of the coverings of the present.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like an X there maybe? I love it when old signs are still on buildings. Cool post Ice.
    PS I read your comment....
