Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Thine, O Lord, is the Victory

A good friend of mine, and fellow Avondale-Waterview Historical Society member, has just now published his completed research into the people behind the names on the Avondale Baptist Church World War II Roll of Honour.

Tony Goodwin's Thine, O Lord, is the Victory is not a dry-as-dust recounting of service dates, campaigns, etc -- it's a story about one slice of our local Avondale community, their lives, their loves, and both their successes and their tragedies. Tony has spent years gathering information and photographs, covering army, navy and airforce and all across the fields of conflict during the war.

I was very privileged to have been asked by Tony to help out with the layout and advice to him on some of the funding options. Apart from that -- this is all his own work, and I think he's done extremely well.

Total of 32 pages incl cover, illustrated throughout. If anyone's interested, let me know, and I'll pass the message along to Tony.


  1. Magnificent job, well done to him!

  2. A wonderful book(let) Tony! It brought back many memories of people I knew many years ago ! thank you.


  3. Good job that man! I've twittered to get the word around :-)

  4. Cheers, folks. Sounds like this won't be Tony's last, either -- he's already starting in on another topic. I'll pass on your comments to him, thanks!

  5. Enjoyed your book Tony. I tried to email you on iagoodwin@ihug.co.nz but it didn't work. Is there a chance you could email me? Address on profile.

  6. Hi Mike,

    There's no link to your profile -- could you email your email address to me, and I'll pass it on to Tony? Cheers.
