Sunday, July 25, 2010

Grey Lynn's brick toilets

There's a bit of a mystery about these loos -- who designed them? They are too elegant not to have been specially designed by somebody employed or commissioned by Auckland City Council in 1943. So ... who did design them?

Matthews & Matthews, heritage architects, noted in their report for the Grey Lynn/Surrey Crescent Character Study (2004), that one likely architect may have been M. K. Draffin, the same architect who desighned the gates at Fowlds Park.  This suggestion was based on a similarity between a brick building for the Auckland Gas Company in Beaumont Street documented as being by Draffin. But, without any contemporary plans found (so far), and unless someone had a bit of time to trawl through Council minutes and correspondence, the designer remains uncertain.

Bricks were in short supply around that time, during World War II, as well, with supplies diverted for use in projects linked to defense needs. And yet, here these toilets stand, one of my favourites examples of Auckland architecture.

1 comment:

  1. Thrilled and impressed to have found this. THanks, Timespanner, for your inimitable and precious research. And thanks, also, to the "Herald" stalwart ( dammit, have forgotten the name) who herewith reminded us of what was earlier done in times praps even more testing than this Covit 19 challenge. When allowed to drive again, WILL visit them
