Sunday, October 24, 2010

Tutu te Puehu: New Zealand's wars of the 19th century

 I received the following email today from Peter Cooke, of the NZ Military History Committee.

You might be interested in this brochure of the latest NZ Military History conference. Our previous conferences were great successes, 'Zealandia's Great War' (in 2003) and 'Seeing Red' (2007). Apologies if you have already received this brochure - please pass on this mail to anyone else who you think would be interested in the conference.

The conference is 'Tutü te Puehu - New Zealand's Wars of the Nineteenth Century'. The title means 'kicking up the dust' and can arguably apply to the wars themselves or our desire to stir up discussion on them. It will be at Massey, Wellington, on 11-13 February 2011.

The attached brochure contains all basic information, and if there's anything else you want to know about the conference please feel free to contact me. A discount on registration exists until 30 November 2010, so I invite you to get your registration to me at the address below, or by email, as soon as possible. Electronic funds transfer is available.

A poster is also available - please let me know if you can display it (the size is A4). We would be greatful.

Peter Cooke
NZ Military History Committee


  1. This came up quite randomly in a search I was doing. We have an exhibition on NZ wars and psycho geography in Manurewa at the moment. I'd love to send you and Peter Cooke details if you can give me your email contacts. Many thanks.

  2. Thanks. Might be a bit far too come from Wellie. Come along on the 10 though if you're interested:

  3. If I had my own transport, I would. Sadly though, I don't. All the best for your exhibition, anyway.

  4. Thanks. Busses and trains to Manurewa are romantic!

    1. Climbing up to Nathan Homestead, however, is not. Thanks, but no thanks.
