Saturday, December 5, 2009

CSIRO Bibliography entry for The Zoo War

Discovered this morning: my Zoo War has been included on a bibliography (.pdf file) put out by the Aussies at CSIRO. After the initial surprise, I have to admit I think that's quite cool. Considering it was the product of one of my "I wonder why that all happened?" hunts.

Okay, skiting's over. Moving on ...


  1. Well how exciting for you! :-) LOL i know i get excited about some of my photos being used on websites but getting your own written word used must be much more exciting!

    My partner pointed out to me last year where the zoo was in Royal Oak, we live in Hillsborough and go past the site often. It's amazing they allowed that back then. I'm originally from Christchurch and used to marvel at the little surburban zoo at North New Brighton, it was part of my childhood... now long since closed down in 1996 after the owners was a treat to visit.

    Congrats again!
