Additional info added re J C Firth, 10 April 2021. Updated re the weaving project, 21 September 2023.
In the relative dimness of the Maori Court in the Auckland
War Memorial Museum, where a projected image of a silver fern flutters on the
floor, and tourists either stand around perplexedly searching for the exit, or
pose smilingly beside ancient artifacts for the camera – there you will find a
great waka taua, Te Toki a Tapiri, the Adze (or axe) of Tapiri.
One of the greatest attractions in the Auckland Museum
is a very fine example of a Maori war-canoe, and without a doubt the finest
specimen in existence of a Maori war-vessel. The fact that she was built in the
Wairoa district should call up the interest of all my readers. Her builder was
a Wairoa man, Waaka Tarakau, a chief of Ngati-Matawhaiti, a hapu of the
Ngati-Kahungunu … The tree (a totara, of course) from which the canoe was
fashioned grew at the back of the present-day Clydebank special settlement, and
it was cut there in the laborious manner of the Maoris before the days of the
axe and the saw. It was hauled down to the coast, so the late Sir James Carroll
informed the writer, by thousands of men in relays, to the inspiring
incantations and songs of the old tohungas.
When the log reached Matawhaiti many hundreds of men were
engaged in fashioning the craft, but the chief builder and architect was Tarakau,
and he named the vessel Te-Toki-a-Tapiri (the axe of Tapiri), after
one of his ancestors. The canoe was eighty-four feet long and had a beam of six
feet. The ruawa, or topsides, were added by Tamati Parangi and Paratene Te
Pohoi, and the canoe was presented by the builder to Te Waaka Perohuka, of the
Rongo-whaka-ata tribe at Poverty
Bay, and he received in
return, as was the custom of the Maoris, a celebrated historical garment called
"Karamaene." The carving of the canoe was carried out at Te Angaparera,
on the left bank of the Waiporoa river, nearly opposite the Orakaiapu pa. The
principal tohungas engaged in the work were Te Waaka Perohuka, Timoti
Rangitotohuihura, Wiremu Te Keteiwi, Patorounu Pakapaka, Natanahira, Taumata,
and Mahumahu.
In 1853, Perohuka presented the vessel to the great northern
chief, Tamati Waaka Nēnē, and his brother, Patuone, who sent to Perohuka a
pie-bald stallion called "Taika" (Tiger). The horse was later given
to Tarakau, the builder of the famous canoe.
After the arrival of the canoe in Auckland waters, where she appeared among the
fleet surrounding the Pandora, she
was sold for £400 to chiefs of the Ngati-te-ata tribe (Waiuku) and taken to
Manukau. The price in reality was £600.
According to Mere Whaanga, in
A Carved Cloak for Tahu, 2004, the extra
£200 purchase price was for two greenstone mere at £100 each.
In 1863, with war breaking out between Waikato tribes and
the colonial government, it was ordered that all waka in the streams leading to
the Manukau Harbour be seized. The paddle steamer
Lady Barkly, crewed by Onehunga Naval
Volunteers under one Captain Thomas Parnall, was originally,
it is said,
(image from Nelson Photo News, March 1962), via the private yacht of Governor Sir Henry Barkly of Victoria in
Australia. It appeared in Dunedin in January
1862, and was purchased for commissariat service on the Manukau Harbour
in July 1863. The intention had been for the
Lady Barkly to be used to trade between Onehunga and Drury,
supplying both provisions and munitions. She did strike a bit of initial
difficulty with the ways of the Manukau streams.
The Lady Barkly is still stuck on a rock down the stream
between here [Drury] and the Manukau. She will I presume have to wait for the
spring tides. I think it would be wise to have stakes driven in down to the
Manukau, indicating the course of the stream, so as to avoid these long
detentions from which much loss must ensue.
Southern Cross 7 September 1863
Then came orders for all waka along the Manukau shoreline
and streams to be confiscated or damaged, so as not to be a threat during the
war. The Waiuku Maori were peaceful toward the Crown – but this didn’t mean
that they were not included in the blanket operation.
On Monday the steamer Lady
Barkly landed at Awitu a party of the Onehunga naval brigade under Captain
Parnel [sic]. They proceeded to the native settlement there, but the rebels had
decamped, leaving in the hut the fire still burning, and the remains of a hasty
breakfast of corn. It is thought they had been notified of the approach of the
naval brigade, as three shots were heard by the brigade as they were approaching
the settlement. The Lady Barkly then
proceeded to Waiuku, where she arrived on Tuesday morning. The object of the
visit being to remove any canoes lying in the creeks. The same day the brigade,
assisted by a party of the Waiuku force, under Captain Lloyd, secured a number
of canoes belonging to the Waiuku natives. This step the natives do not object
to, but they allege that their whares were entered by the men, and clothing and
other property carried away. It is certain that other articles besides canoes came
under the inspection of the men, and that Captain Lloyd ordered the men under
his charge to leave the articles in their places. The civil and native
authorities intended to institute a search on board the steamer to-day, in
order to ascertain if the allegations, of property having been carried away,
were true but the very gusty afternoon has, I believe, delayed their intention.
The natives have not made any unpleasant demonstration on the matter, but they
are apprehensive that if the distinction between their property and rebel
property becomes overlooked, the distinction between their persons and those of
rebels will be overlooked next.
Southern Cross 6 November 1863
The Lady Barkly, steamer, returned to her anchorage at
Onehunga, yesterday morning, at about ten o'clock, bringing in tow eleven canoes,
the smallest of which is 35ft. long. These canoes alone would transport 1,000
men. They were captured in a few of the creeks on the Western arm of the
Manukau, from Tuesday morning until Thursday …
A large war canoe, 94ft. long, for which £600 was paid by
the natives to the late chief John Hobbs, was discovered roofed in at a place
half way between Awitu and Karaka, As there was some question raised by the
gentleman who acted as interpreter about the propriety of removing this canoe,
the lower stern-post only was taken away, and brought up by the Lady Barkly.
Since then, we believe, orders have been given by the authorities to fetch this
canoe up to Onehunga. We understand this is one of the best finished canoes in New Zealand. The
single planks along the sides are 83ft. long, and well carved from stem to
Southern Cross 7 November 1863
Josiah Clifton Firth (1826-1897), flour miller, merchant prince and later famous for his Matamata Estate amongst other things, writing in his 1890 semi-autobiography
Nation Making claimed to have been amongst those who took the waka taua.
"One morning I and my groom were summoned 'on active service' to capture the Maori canoes lying in the creeks falling into the Manukau harbour or gulf. I left my wife, children and women-servants in a terrible fright, but there was no help for it. Every able-bodied man had to go. The force, consisting of one hundred men, was under the command of Captain Lloyd, formerly an officer in the Irish constabulary, a little mad perhaps, but as gallant a leader as ever men followed.
"We captured a great many canoes of various sizes, from the Kupapa (little canoe) to the Wakataua, (large war canoe). Amongst the latter class was a notable war canoe. The topsides and figurehead were carved in superb Maori style. It was 82 feet long, and when fully manned, carried a crew of 100 warriors. Launching this canoe was a work of no little difficulty, requiring the full strength of the force to drag it on skids out of the Maori boat-house where it lay. A few old Maories, men and women, sat and watched the work. Arms were piled, and sentries posted, the latter precaution being unnecessary, for in accordance with the custom of the time, all the men of fighting age were off to the war, the old men and women staying at home to hold onto the land. An hour's hard work put the big canoe in the little bay ready to be towed by the steamer on her return up the harbour.
"A week's cruising in the attendant little steamer, with some hard marching, enabled us to capture all the canoes in the gulf, which, with the exception of the great war canoe were all subsequently destroyed. This war canoe now lies at the Auckland Museum." (pages 167-168)

Alfred Home Monro would relate how he, as appointed native interpreter, was
aboard the
Lady Barkly at the time
the stern post of
Te Toki a Tapiri was removed and confiscated by the naval
"At a place called Rangatira, if I remember aright, we found
this large canoe Te Toki-a-Tapiri drawn up under a shed. Looking at the fine
canoe, I felt it would be a pity to take her to Onehunga, where for a certainty
she would be destroyed or otherwise so damaged that the Government would be
required or otherwise so damaged that the Government would be required to pay
the £600 which, I understood, was the price given for her by the Ngati-Te-ata.
I directed, therefore, that the ‘haumi’ or stern portion, alone should be
taken, as when that was unlaced and removed the canoe would be practically
useless until replaced. The Naval Volunteers were rather sulky at this, as they
especially wanted this canoe to grace our triumphal return to Onehunga. The
canoe was at this time in excellent condition, nothing being wanting except the
‘puhipuhi’ (feather decorations), which the Volunteers had unluckily discovered
in a whare at Waiuku containing the belongings of the deceased chief Katipa.
This they had cut up into lengths to adorn their heads. On our return to
Onehunga the haumi was placed in the Customhouse store for safe keeping."
From Lambert, The
Story of Old Wairoa and the East Coast, via A Carved Cloak for Tahu, p.226.
For the next four years, Te Toki a Tapiri was to remain on
the beach at Onehunga. There is a story that crew from the HMS Harrier tried to
blow the waka up at one point – I haven’t found a contemporary report about
that, as at the time of writing.
How long the waka taua would have remained on the beach under
ordinary circumstances, I couldn’t say. In 1867, the Ngati Te Ata had started
proceedings for compensation, but were getting nowhere. However … 1868 was to
be a significant year for Auckland.
The Duke of Edinburgh, Queen Victoria’s son Prince Alfred, was due to come, and
the city fathers were determined to put on as fine a show of British imperial
pomp and splendour as their city in our far-flung colony could muster.
A meeting of the Native Committee was held at the City Board
Room en Saturday forenoon. Mr. Swanson stated that he had gone to Onehunga on
the preceding day to see if the large canoe lying there, the Toke-a-Tapiri,
could be made available on the approaching visit of his Royal Highness. This
canoe, we may state, was bought by the Ngati-teata, of Waiuku, from a southern
tribe, for the sum of £500 cash which, we believe, was considered a moderate
price. At the beginning of the war, a party of Naval Volunteers went out on the
Manukau and, finding the Toke-a-Tapiri in the creek, seized her.
Mr H Monro,
now Judge Monro, accompanied the expedition as interpreter, and told the
volunteers on no account to touch the canoe, as she belonged to friendly
natives. His remonstrances were, however, unheeded; the volunteers wanted a
trophy of their valour, and brought the canoe in triumph to Onehunga. There she
was drawn up in the Customhouse yard, and being carelessly placed, and exposed
to all weather, has received considerable damage. The Ministry of that day
offered the canoe as a present to Sir George Grey, who said that if they would
put her in order he would give her back again to the Waiuku people, from whom
she ought never to have been taken. Nothing was done by the Government, and the
Waiuku people have now a claim of £500 before Mr. Beckham's Court for the
canoe, and there can be no doubt they are entitled to the money.
In the
meantime Paul, on behalf of the Ngatiwhatua of Orakei and Kaipara, says that if
the cracks in the body of the canoe are repaired so that she can float, he will
decorate her so as to be available for the approaching visit of the Prince. But
the committee feel a difficulty in the matter. The General Government lament
that the canoe was ever touched, and will not hare anything to do with her. His
Excellency says, we believe, that he never accepted her. The Waiuku people
state that the Government took the canoe, and that now they have nothing to say
in the matter. However, the Native Committee will take steps to ascertain what
it would cost to have her brought over to the Waitemata and repaired.
Southern Cross 16 December 1867
A meeting of the Regatta Committee was held yesterday at
Messrs. Cochrane’s rooms. The chairman intimated that the Government had placed £150 at the disposal of the committee for Maori races, and it was proposed to
have the large canoe lying at the Custom-house yard, Onehunga, put into good repair
for a Wakataua race.
Southern Cross 10 March 1868
The large wakataua canoe which has lain at the Customs,
Onehunga, since it was taken by the Government from the natives, was brought
into town last evening in order to be placed in the hands of Mr. Duthie,
shipwright, for repair, when it will be placed at the disposal of the natives
for the regatta to be held on the arrival of his Royal Highness the Duke of
Southern Cross 11 March 1868
This was Alexander Duthie, a shipwright who operated from Customs Street.
The Secretary [of the Regatta Committee] intimated that the
wakataua canoe, for the repair of which £30 had been set aside by the Regatta
Committee, had been brought into town, and was in the shipwright's hands.
Southern Cross 14 March 1868
Come the day of the regatta – all went ahead as planned.
Except that the Duke wasn’t there. He’d been shot in Sydney,
and had had to head back home to England early. The regatta day in
April 1868, though, was to be the second-to-last documented occasion where Te
Toki a Tapiri was to be afloat.
Fifth Race.
Wakataua (War) Canoes.
Prize, £80.
At half-past eleven o'clock the Maoris gathered at the
firewood wharf, where were the only two canoes that had put in an appearance.
If the weather had been finer one or two more would have come, but it was quite
unsafe to be outside the Heads in a canoe on such a day as yesterday. Another
reason for non-arrival was the fact that the Prince was absent. When the
natives heard that the Prince was not coming, they took it for granted that the
whole celebration would be dropped. The two canoes were the Toke a Tapiri,
brought up from Orakei by Paul, and manned by the Ngatiwhatua, who boast of
their power and skill as paddlers. The other was the Akarana (Auckland),
from Waiwharariki, the native settlement at Shoal Bay,
which was entered by Te Hemara, and manned by a mixed lot of Ngapuhis,
Waikatos, and other tribes. Both canoes were finely carved, and decorated with
albatross feathers, and the paddlers all wore white feathers in their hair.
About this time, a large canoe was seen coming up from Taupo, Firth of Thames,
and truly the men on board must have had a rough and dangerous morning's work.
This canoe was Ngapuhoro, belonging to Ngatipaoa. The Toke a Tapiri was manned
by fifty-eight paddlers, and the Akarana, which is considerably smaller, hid
twenty-six on board.
Onboard the Toke was not so disagreeable as we had expected,
having former canoe trips in mind in calmer weather. She rode over the waves
like a duck, and only those near the bow were wetted by the spray. It was most
desirable that the three canoes should start, so as to ensure a good race, but
Ngapuhoro was seen to go into St.
George's Bay,
and it was pretty obvious that, after pulling up from Taupo against wind and
sea, the men would be in no condition to contest for the prize. Captain
Guilding went off in a waterman's boat to bring them up, but in the meantime it
was determined to start the two, giving £50 instead of £80 to the winning
canoe. At the firing of the gun, off they rushed, through the stormy waters,
towards the flagboat moored off Freeman's Bay. The men were all stripped to the
waist, and plied their paddles with, energy. Of course, in each canoe were what
Europeans would call fuglemen, gesticulating with energy, and timing the paddle
strokes. The course was right in the teeth of the wind, and before the flagboat
was reached every man on board both canoes was thoroughly drenched. It was
pretty soon evident that the Akarana was no match for her more powerful
antagonist, and that the Toke would come in an easy winner. The course was to
round the Bella Marina hulk, and back
to the flagship, but, on the canoes passing the Tauranga, they were called on to pass round the Brisk, so that his Excellency the
Governor might see them.
The Toke rounded the Brisk
all right, and came up to the Tauranga
swiftly, the men shouting a ngeri. All those on board gave a cheer, and were so
busy looking at the demonstrations of triumph made by the Maoris that they
never noticed that the unfortunate Akarana, which had reached about halfway
between the Brisk and the Tauranga, was settling down in the
water, and almost covered by the waves. She was scarcely moving, in spite of
the energetic exertions of those on board. From the waves breaking over she bad
get almost water-logged, and, the strain being too much for her, she cracked in
the centre. The natives on board the Toke were the first to notice the danger,
and, letting go the ropes which held them to the Tauranga, the canoe was let drop down swiftly to the rescue. But
before the Toke got to the place, the Akarana, in the midst of a fierce squall,
went down, leaving the men struggling in the waves. Most of them leaped into
the water, and then they turned the canoe bottom up, so that part of it was
above water to hold on by. A few got shoved down below the canoe, but came up
again by-and-by. It was an anxious spectacle to those who witnessed it, for
although the capsizing of a Maori canoe is considered usually to be quite a
trifle, still after the men had pulled a long distance, and in such a sea, there
was a chance that some of them would be quite exhausted, and sink amidst the
angry waves. Joseph Cook's boat was alongside, and was let go; the boat
belonging to the Tauranga was let
down with all expedition indeed, in about five minutes four boats were nearing
the scene of the accident. Spectators are naturally impatient when they think
that life and death may be in every moment, but on this occasion we are bound
to say that no time was lost when it was evident that there was danger.
Possibly the men might have righted the canoe, which they often do under such
circumstances, but the Akarana was too far gone for that treatment. The Maoris
scrambled off the canoe, or were hauled out of the water where they were bobbing
about pretty thickly, and finally,with the exception of one or two who were picked by the
boats, they all got safely to the Toke, which had then about ninety men on
board. This was too many considering the weather, and it looked as if we were
to have another case of swamping. However, thanks to Mr [Swanson] and Mr Duthie,
the Toke is now a good seaboat, though lately lying in pieces in the
Custom-house-yard, Onehunga.
It had been arranged that after the race the natives should
go on board the Brisk and have a war
dance, but the accident interfered with that, as the men were in no humour for
dancing after getting such a ducking. The Toke therefore was paddled ashore,
and the boats picked up some of the paddles and the clothes of the natives.
Apparently the accident had not been noticed from the Brisk, for it was not till all danger was past that a boat put off,
which, however, took in charge the broken canoe. If the same number of
Europeans had been thrown in the water, we should have had a score of men
Southern Cross 30 April 1868
The last documented time Te Toki a Tapiri was on the waters
of the Waitemata, or any other waters for that matter, was for the special
Maori welcome to the Duke, who finally made it here in 1869.
Early yesterday morning a party of natives proceeded down to
Orakei for the purpose of bringing up the large war canoes to Auckland. They returned in time to take part
in the welcome to the Prince, and at about 9.30 o'clock two large canoes fully
manned put off to the Galatea from the Wynyard Pier. The first was the wakataua
known as Toke-a-Tapiri, which was manned by 60 of the Ngatiwhatua and Rawara,
under their chiefs Reihana and Taiawhio. The second was the canoe Ngapuhoro,
which contained 50 of the Ngatipaoa, under Hetaraka Takapuna and Hoera te
Wharepunga. A third canoe also put off named Te Tuatara, which was manned by
70 of the Ngatipaoa under their chief Te Ngohipaka. The heads of the natives
were decorated with feathers, and as they paddled out towards the Galatea their appearance was picturesque
in the extreme. The Ngatipaoa canoes bore British Ensigns at the bows and stem,
and the figure-heads were effectively decorated with feathers. The sternposts
were highly carved and embellished in true Maori style. After going out between
the Wynyard Pier and the Challenger,
the canoes approached each other, and after paddling round the Commodore's
vessel went off to the Galatea. They
lay under the stern of the vessel until the time arrived for the Prince to land,
when they accompanied his Royal Highness's gig to the landing steps. The
following song of welcome was sung by the natives while escorting the Royal gig:-
Haere mai, e te manuhiri tua rangi.
Nga taku potiki koi tiki atu
Ki tahutu o te rangi,
Kukume mai ai- haere mai.
Welcome, stranger, from the distant land.
My youngest and most beloved child drew thee hither
From the other side of the heavens. Welcome!
The movements of the canoes were directed by Paora Tuhaere.
Southern Cross 11 May 1869
Mere Whaanga said that the tauihu had been presented to the
Duke of Edinburgh. Thomas Cheeseman of Auckland Institute believed this as well, as the prow was said to be missing on presentation to the Auckland Institute
– but when
H E Vaile visited England in 1925 and found a prow said to have been
brought to England by the Duke of Edinburgh, measurement comparisons between
Toki a Tapiri’s bow and the prow carving, then in the Sciences Museum at South
Kensington, showed that there was no relationship between the two. That prow
was presented originally to the Duke in Wellington
in 1869. So, whether the prow went to the Duke, or simply disappeared while on
a beach at Orakei between 1869 and 1881, remains uncertain. The image of the
prow in the Kinder photograph (below)
on display in Onehunga, said to be taken at Mechanics Bay
during the 1860s (as was
this photograph of the stern) ...

... certainly shows a carving of similar pattern and size to
that presently on the waka today (my photo below).
Compare with
this image from the Museum's photo collection, said to be a prow for
Te Toki a Tapiri, but showing marked differences in design. Was this an early attempt to copy the prow? If they were going by the Kinder image, for example, that seems to show that any arms on the figure are missing. Therefore -- perhaps, in organising or finding a replacement, the pattern for the arms was guessed at. It seems to have continued into the 20th century, when this photo (below) was taken. Note the "arm" of the figurehead, which appeared to have 4 or 5 digits, compared with the more abstract representation of the limbs today.
Reference 2-V1503, Sir George Grey Special Collections, Auckland Libraries
photo in Flickr, said to date from 1963, shows that the prow's arms are still in a different position compared to today's carving. At some point after 1963, it seems, the tauihu carving at the prow was altered.
Compensation to the Waiuku hapu for the confiscation of Te Toki a Tapiri took another 10 years after they initiated action through Judge Beckham's compensation court in the 1860s.
Nos. 15 and. 37.—Petitions of Hori Tauroa and 4 Others, and
Henare and Aihepene Kaihau. Petitioners pray for compensation for losses
suffered during the Waikato War, and particularly for compensation for the loss
of the great canoe Te Tokiatapiri.
I am directed to report as follows
That, the war canoe having been captured by the Colonial
Forces during the war in Waikato, the Committee cannot recommend any relief or compensation be granted the
petitioners. 14th August, 1878. I—l. 3.
AJHR 1878
Native Committee 1879 voted £200 compensation.
AJHR 1880,
B2A p. 82
Financial Year 1880-1881 – £200 compensation paid for canoe
AJHR, 1881, B1 p. 36
No. 8 of 1882.—Petition of Hori Tauroa. Petitioner states
that a sum of £200 was paid to the children of Kaihau for the canoe
Tokiatapiri, whilst he had got nothing. He says he was entitled to a part of
the price, and prays it may be paid to him.
I am directed to report as follows
That the Government has fairly met all just claims in regard
to this canoe, and the matter ought not to be reopened. 15th June, 1882
So now, the Government owned Te Toki a Tapiri outright, considering that a purchase had effectively been made, for £200, for the waka taua. Soon after this, the remains on the Orakei beach were offered to the Auckland Institute and Museum in Princes Street. Four years later -- it was still lying, rotting, on the beach.
[Annual Meeting, Auckland Institute]
Mr Fenton said it was 4 years ago since, through his
exertions, a very beautiful war canoe had been presented to the Institute, but
it was still lying rotting on the Orakei beach, and this being so he thought
Dr. Moore arid Mr Stewart were over-rating the interest taken in Maori
antiquities by the Institute, He had offered the use of the Choral Hall for its
storage, but nothing had been done.
Mr Stewart thought that as they now had funds they should
get the canoe. The Chairman said that if they had no room for the canoe they
had room for Mr Fenton's vast stock of Maori lore. The resolution was carried,
and the meeting adjourned.
Auckland Star 17 February 1885
Reference 4-2543, Sir George Grey Special Collections, Auckland Libraries
To be fair to the Institute, they seriously had no room for the waka at all. The second brick building was too compact for something of Te Toki a Tapiri's dimensions; they probably had to wait until 1892, when the new extension was added, to put the waka on display. Hopefully, before then, they had it under some kind of cover to arrest the deterioration.
Pre-1928, reference 4-4902, Sir George Grey Special Collections, Auckland Libraries
The Auckland
Museum, carried on under the
auspices of the Council of the Auckland Institute is now in possession of
perhaps the finest display and most valuable ethnological collection in the
colony. The new annexe to the building in Princes-street, which has just been
finished and tilled with exhibits, ready for the approaching formal opening,
will when thrown open to the public be a source of great attraction, as being
an exceedingly extensive and varied collection of Maori curios, carvings, weapons,
and utensils, besides those illustrating the life and customs of South Sea
Islanders and other uncivilised races …
The large canoe which is known as the Toke-a-Tapiri,
is an excellent specimen of Maori architectural art, now virtually a lost accomplishment
amongst the natives. It is a waka taua or war canoe of the largest class, 82
feet in length from figurehead to sternpost, carved out of one large totara
log, totara being a timber famed for its durability. When fully manned in the
olden time the canoe would hold considerably over a hundred warriors. The big
canoe has quite an interesting history. It is at least thirty years old, having
been built in the Manukau by the Maoris prior to the year 1863. It was one of
the Maori canoes seized by the troops at the outbreak of the Waikato
war, the craft belonging to the natives resident at Waiuku. The Manukau Navals,
a militia corps under Captain Lloyd, were ordered in 1863 to capture and
destroy the Maori canoes lying in the creeks falling into the Manukau Harbour,
in order to cripple the power of communication amongst the hostile natives.
Many canoes were seized and destroyed. At Waiuku the militia found hundreds of
Maori women and children, who calmly watched the work of destruction of their
little fleet, the able-bodied men being all away at the war. It was found very
difficult to remove the big canoe, the Toke-a-Tapiri, and it
required the whole strength of the force to haul it from the canoe shed to the
water. It was then towed up to Onehunga by steamer. This canoe was the only one
which escaped the destroying axe, it being such a fine craft that it was
thought a pity to break it up. It was left lying on the beach at Onehunga for
many years, until it was eventually placed in the Auckland Museum.
Its topsides, figurehead, and stern-post are carved very elegantly after the
Maori fashion, and are ornamented with the iridescent paua shell. The canoe is
still in an excellent state of preservation.
Auckland Star 14 October 1892
Pre-1928, reference 4-4901, Sir George Grey Special Collections, Auckland Libraries
Compare the stereoscope image above, with mine taken now (below). The arms of the prow carving do appear to have been replaced.
In the Auckland Museum may be seen a huge Maori war canoe
82ft long, with a beam of 7ft, built in or about the year 1835. This canoe has
a beautifully carved figurehead, the sides and ends are also covered with
artistic Maori carving, such as are seldom to be seen nowa-days; and is capable
of accommodating no less than 100 paddlers, besides others.
Manawatu Herald 4 December 1900
Not everyone was impressed by the Museum's growing Maori collection.
The annual meeting of the Auckland Institute was held in the
Museum Buildings last evening, Mr James Stewart, president, in the chair …
Dr. Bakewell said that about £6 had been spent on the Museum
proper during the year, while one thousand pounds was being spent on the Mair
collection. Why anybody should want to pay all this money for the most hideous
object produced by human beings he did not know. If there were any beauty in
the things, or if they were even a rude commencement of a higher art, one might
take some interest in them, but here was a set of cannibal savages who, in the
20th century, had not reached beyond the stone age, and were very imperfect at that.
He had been astonished to learn that the Maori canoe was made with steel tools.
He considered such things of no interest at all. They were simply barbarous and
hideous—pieces of wood chopped about by a set of savages. He would rather they
were buried out of sight, and certainly could not see any reason for starving
the beginnings of a valuable educational museum as the Auckland Museum was for
these horrid monstrosities. A morbid taste was growing up in this part of New Zealand for
accumulating horrible, ugly, and even obscene objects, because they belonged to
the Maoris. We had nothing to do with the Maoris, we wished to supplant the
Maoris, and he hoped we would in the course of time. He was sorry to hear they
were on the increase, because they were a very low type indeed.
Mr Stewart said if Dr. Bakewell knew more about the Maoris
he would hardly call
them savages. In going into the ethnology of the Maori race they were carrying
out one of the declared objects of the Institute. Dr. Bakewell's argument, if
carried out, would sweep away nine-tenths of the British Museum.
The Rev. Dr. Purchas said no doubt members of the Council
would prefer to have old specimens of Maori art, but with regard to the canoe,
there was no canoe in existence which had been carved by the Maoris with their
own weapons. As a race the Maoris were fully equal to many of the races that
prided themselves on being great races. He would sooner trust the Maoris than a
large number of the men who prided themselves on being superior. He thought the
less we compared ourselves with the Maoris the better for ourselves.
Auckland Star 25 February 1902

August 1910. Reference 1-W1465, Sir George Grey Special Collections, Auckland Libraries
Before the completion of the new museum on Auckland Domain, the great waka needed to be moved from its home of some 36 years. This operation was carried out in July 1928.
Laboriously drawn through Auckland's
back streets on Monday, the famous Maori canoe "Tapiri's Axe," now
has a new home in the War
Memorial Museum
in the Domain (states the
New Zealand
Herald). The transport of the craft called for delicate manoeuvring, but
although tedious, it was accomplished without a hitch. For many years the canoe
has been housed in the Maori section of the old museum in Princes street, now closed in
anticipation of the opening of the new building. A whole day was occupied in
jacking the canoe on to a special trolley in preparation for the journey. Then
it was found necessary to enlarge an archway in the brick wall in order to
reach the street.
Hitched to a motor-lorry the trolley bearing the canoe was drawn out to the street without much difficulty, but the journey to the Domain
was slow.
The canoe was made secure between two 50ft Oregon beams, each weighing a ton. In
addition the trolley weighted two tons and the canoe 4½ tons, so that there was a total load of 8½ tons for the lorry to draw. The trailing of a
red flag at the stern of the canoe had no special significance, apart from the
fact that the historic craft is 79ft 9in long, and the overhang was therefore
more than sufficient to require the observance of the city bylaw dealing with
such matters.
Almost four hours were occupied to take the canoe by
a circuitous route to the new museum. A special bridge had been built over an
excavation to enable the exhibit to be brought into the building by a back
entrance. Skidding at that stage caused a slight difficulty, necessitating the
services of another motor-lorry. Packing with bags filled with sawdust enabled
the canoe to be transported without damage, and it was left on the trolley
awaiting final placement. As the canoe entered its final home it had as
passenger Mrs T F Cheeseman, widow of the late curator of the museum. Mrs
Cheeseman took a similar ride when the craft first entered the old museum, and
sentiment prompted her to repeat the performance.
Evening Post 11 July 1928

The interpretive panel that stands beside Te Toki a Tapiri in the Maori Hall today has errors in the last few lines.
"Compensation was paid to Ngati Te Ata at the end of the war."
The sign refers to the Waikato War, which is accepted to have lasted from 1863-1864. Ngati Te Ata received their compensation in 1880, quite some time after the war's end.
"In 1869 Te Toki a Tapiri was the highlight of a regatta on the Waitemata Harbour celebrating the visit of Prince Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh."
The actual regatta was a year earlier, in 1868. In 1869, Te Toki a Tapiri was one of a number of waka taua which was used as part of the official Maori greeting to the Duke.
"Ngati Whatua of Orakei under Paora Tuahaere later cared for the canoe until it was presented to Auckland Museum by the Government in 1885."
Turns out, according to the newspapers of the day, the canoe was offered to the Museum around 1881 -- then left on a beach at Orakei until, most likely, 1892 when the Museum's extension at Princes Street was completed.
Te Toki a Tapiri, writes Mere Whaanga, "is a hugely significant taonga of the Ngati Matawhaiti, Ngati Kahungunu and Rongowhakaata. When the Maori galleries of the Auckland War Memorial Museum were to be refurbished in 1999, the people of Ngai Tahu Matawhaiti and Iwitea discussed the implications of the project ... The refurbishment project proceeded apace, and, concerned at the lack of adequate consultation, a deputation of Ngati Kahungunu ki Wairoa travelled to Auckland for a hui on 1 September 1999 ..."
The representatives expressed concerns over the refurbishment of Te Toki a Tapiri -- new lashings, repainting, decorating the craft with new puhipuhi. It wasn't "acceptable to try to decorate the waka to make it look other than the venerable and aged taonga that it is. Every scratch and crack speaks of its long and turbulent history ... Te Toki a Tapiri resides in an institution devoid of contact with its rightful kaitiaki -- those able to whakapapa to Tapiri who have been appointed by Ngai Tahu Matawhaiti to fulfil that role. However interesting a display may be, it undermines the nature and meaning of taonga if it negates, or even ignores, the relationships that give life to material forms."

Compare the photo above with
this image from 1961 (Museum photo collection). Some markings on the cross timbers are now gone, and the lashings renewed and altered since 1999.
Nearly 180 years after the trees were felled, their timbers used to build the craft that was to have a story woven in both war and peace, spanning old days before the coming of European-style government through to the chaos of land wars, into a modern age where trucks shifted it from one home to another...
... I don't think Te Toki a Tapiri's long story is yet over, somehow.

Additional, September 2023.
(From Auckland War Memorial Museum info release, via the Museum at Te Ahu, Facebook.)
"Tui Tuia – Revitalising Te Toki a Tapiri
Te Toki a Tapiri (the adze of Tapiri), a waka tauā (Māori war waka) is a significant taonga that has been in the collection at Tāmaki Paenga Hira | Auckland War Memorial Museum since 1885. This waka tauā has held a prominent location in Māori Court at Tāmaki Paenga Hira since 1928. Te Toki a Tapiri is 185 years old and has connections to five iwi, Ngāti Kahungunu (hapu Ngāti Matawhāiti), Rongowhakaata, Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Te Ata, and Ngāti Whātua.
"Te Toki a Tapiri has been at Auckland Museum for over a century and physically separated from the iwi who are the kaitiaki for this waka tauā and are connected through whakapapa. Te Toki a Tapiri is a symbol of cultural identity and represents the histories of some of the most significant times in Aotearoa.
The waka has not had any conservation undertaken on it for over 20 years.
"In 2023 Auckland Museum embarked on an ambitious project to reconnect Te Toki a Tapiri with its iwi descendants as we work together to revitalise this taonga, restore its mana and share more about its history and journey with our communities across Aotearoa. Through the project ‘Tui Tui Tuia’ we are weaving together conservation science with Mātauranga Māori to replace the bindings and lashings of the waka with authentic muka cord. The physical work on the waka will take place in Māori court in May 2024.
"However, an important first step in the project was to bring together all five iwi to meet with the Museum team in May 2023 to wānanga about Te Toki a Tapiri and to seek their agreement to be part of the project.
Since that first wānanga expert practitioners in raranga (weaving) from all five iwi have begun to harvest and prepare the muka from their rohe which will be used to re-lash Te Toki a Tapiri. This project is an opportunity to revitalise vulnerable mātauranga Māori.
"The harvesting, sizing, muka fibre extraction, drying and plaiting of muka cord are all specific processes that have cultural knowledge systems required to undertake them correctly. The Museum has also engaged a waka expert who will lead a team of tārai waka (waka builders) who will undertake the re-lashing of Te Toki a Tapiri working closely with the Museums conservation team.
Tui Tui Tuia is binding together and building relationships across the five iwi and Auckland Museum as we work together to conserve this taonga and celebrate and share its rich history."