Saturday, March 1, 2025

The unfinished St Pauls of Symonds Street


Google street view image 2022, and artist's impression of the intended full project from NZ Herald, 12 June 1894.

I've often wondered why St Paul's in Symonds Street, Auckland Central, looks so unfinished. Well, that's because it is.

Back in the mid 1890s, it was decided not to complete William Skinner's design due to cost, according to Heritage New Zealand. Along with the missing steeple, the chancel at the rear was initially completed in wood, to save money. The foundation stone for a permanent chancel in stone was laid in 1915, but the addition didn't proceed until 1936.

In 1945, the proposal for that distinctive tall steeple and tower though was back on the drawing board, as a war memorial project.

"Support for the proposal to appeal for £10,000 to complete the tower and erect a steeple on St. Paul's Church, Symonds Street, in accordance with the original conception of the architect, was given unanimously at a meeting of parishioners. The vestry recently suggested that this work should be carried out as a thank-offering from Auckland citizens for New Zealand's deliverance and preservation. In order to comply with building regulations it will be necessary to strengthen the present foundations of the church before the new work can begin."

NZ Herald 11 October 1945

The proposal, though, did draw criticism. This from a letter published in the newspaper.

"I was amazed to read in the Press that it is intended to spend £10,000 on the erection of a steeple for St Paul's Church as a thanks-offering for New Zealand's deliverance and preservation. What a shameful waste of money when so many of our young men have nowhere decent to live with their wives and kiddies. Surely the congregation of St Paul's can worship and thank God for deliverance and preservation without a £10,000 steeple, and to my way of thinking a more Christian effort would be to negotiate to purchase property opposite the church and convert it into comfortable flats for deserving returned servicemen. Such an effort would have God's blessing, the wholehearted approval of the general public, and would be an everlasting monument of thankfulness to those who, Christ-like, died that we might live. J.R.B."
Auckland Star, 19 October 1945

 Looks like the idea quietly died.