Saturday, March 5, 2011

The seamy world of the Auckland dance hall, 1925

From the Auckland Star, 3 June 1925.

So much criticism has been levelled lately at modern dancing and dancers that, were one to try and judge the true position from the variety of opinions of all the writers, one would be left in a hopeless maze, with but a very hazy idea of just what does go on in the different dance halls of the city. But, while the various expressions given by the writers have included references ranging from chewing-gum to "sagging at the knees", one note sounded loud through them all. It was a note that left one confident that something, whatever it was in these dance halls, was wrong.

In order to gain the truth about them, a "Star" representative made a round of the dance halls of Auckland. What is set down in the lines that follow is not founded on mere hear-say, nor is it a mutilation of the truth as a means of being sarcastic or facetious at the expense of those concerned. It is a direct chronicle of what the reporter actually saw from the inside of the halls he visited.

Most of the public dances he went to were in side streets, and the price of admission was never more than 1/6 for men, and 1/- for women; or, as it was set out on the placards hanging up outside, "Gents 1/6, Ladies 1/-". The girls who attended them were obviously from the industrial class, and the men were, too. The girls had their faces painted and powdered so extensively that it made them look ghastly in the electric lights. The majority of the men wore those peculiar suits, the coats of which are split for an extraordinary distance up the backs, and they blended these with shrieking collars, ties and shirts, always being careful to see that huge expanses of the last named garments were showing. The general effect was incongruous.

In each of the particular class of halls frequented by these people, the procedure was religiously the same. The girls, some of them of little more than school age, sat around the walls and, as soon as the music of the band struck up, the youths would approach them. Their mode of approach was, in itself, casual in the extreme. Both sexes seemed to treat each other with the utmost indifference and disrespect. A young man, carefully nipping the end off a half-finished cigarette, and even more carefully preserving the butt, would saunter up to any girl on whom his choice fell, and say: "got this kid" -- "What about this?" or something equally polite. If she was favourably inclined the girl might rise without so much as a word and place herself in the arms of the waiting partner. If she wasn't, she would reply, in equally polished terms, "Got it!" or "Not with you, thanks!" or just wag her head and look bored. Whereupon the young man would go back to the doorway whence he came, and say something to his friends about "that sheilah", after which he would try another.

Congregating about doorways was another notable characteristic of the dance halls. Any youths who arrived before starting time would press about the entrance, smoking and swearing or laughing. Their language was of a particularly "slangy" type, and frequently profane. After each dance, the girls were hurried back to their seats and the "gallants" would troop back to the doorway, where butts were resurrected, slang resumed, and eyes cast around the room, in an effort to choose the "sheilah" for the next "jarz." [sic]

There were times when they did not even take the girls back to their places, but left them stranded in the middle of the floors. But the girls didn't mind it. That's what they were used to, and it never occurred to them that they were not being treated like "perfect ladies."

As for the dancing, it is most difficult to describe it. Let it be said first that, despite the critics that hold the contrary view, the ordinary jazz step, even with a few trimmings, is not consistent with immorality or anything else repugnant. It is a pretty step to see, a delightful step to dance. But what one saw in those dance halls was not recognisable as "jazz" or anything approaching it. The only thing jazz about it was the band music. If the contortions -- the perfectly ridiculous, the suggestive, swaying movements that were executed by the habitués of the dance halls had ever had a faint semblance of the original jazz, it was so badly mutilated and hacked about as to be unrecognisable. In its place were steps and movements that could never have been the products of the minds of original and healthy men. There was close, vice-like hugging, stamping of feet, hops, skips and jumps, runs from one end of the hall to the other, youths and girls bending backward and forward, kicking their legs in the air -- half running, half jumping -- strange neurotic movements. It was unpleasant to witness. One can understand exaggeration in many things, but that was not exaggeration. What was not foolishness was indecent, and what was not indecent was suggestive -- if there is any line between the two. To add to the grotesqueness of the whole business, chewing gum was essentially a part of the evening's proceedings. All night long jaws worked, and it was nothing to see a couple dancing together, gripping one another closely, cheek to cheek, and mouths moving in strict unison.

It is easy to understand the influence that this lax atmosphere of cheap powder and smelly chewing gum, at the indifference of the sexes, and the suggestive and ridiculous dances has on those to whom this article refers.

As though to bear out the above statements, it is interesting to note that at their last meeting, a certain borough council committee reported as follows on the conduct of the dances held in the borough hall: "Your committee is not satisfied with the manner in which dances are being conducted in the hall, as the supervision appears to be lax, with the result that an undesirable element gains admission."

The question of drink at dances has been much in the limelight of late, and there is no doubt whatever that there is cause for complaint. The reporter saw not only drunken youths but half tipsy girls in the dance halls, but they were in the minority. And one thing seemed certain. The liquor was not obtained on the premises. It was brought in "on the hop" or in overcoat pockets, the men, no doubt, supplying the women. Yet, strangely enough, there was no sign of actual drinking in the main halls. In the case of the men, the drink was taken in the dressing rooms. It is difficult to say where the girls got it, but some of these people who did attend the dances were in a well advanced condition before they entered the halls. Admission should have been refused them.

At a cabaret, visited “officially”, it was different. The dancing could not be taken exception to, although one or two gifted youths did endeavour to represent gliding snakes to the best of their ability. There was a refined atmosphere, bred of evening dresses and dinner suits, and the air did not reek with sickening fumes. But there was liquor there on the night the reporter visited the place and that liquor was drunk openly, the bottles being left on the tables during the dances. Again the liquor was not supplied on the premises, but was brought in by the dancers and consumed equally by men and women. And again, it must be clearly understood that there were only a very few parties who had drink with them. It was not general.

One thing to be borne in mind about a cabaret. People go along in their own parties, and often quiet, reserved couples might be seated next to noisy, drinking crowds, but it is always possible for the one element to ignore the other.

There was no sign of drink in the small club dances that are usually held on Saturday nights, although it was stated that sometimes youths who had been drinking had tried to gain admission. The dancing was, of course, above reproach.

The strange dance the Star reporter noted wasn’t the famous Charleston – that seemed to arrive here in New Zealand a few months after the report, in October 1925. If any reader can identify what dance fashion trend those described in the article were following (and the clothes!), I’d appreciate it.

More on J J Boyd's Aramoho Zoo

I realised today that Papers Past have extended coverage of the Wanganui Chronicle to 1919 -- perfect when it comes to some trawling for references to Boyd's first zoo at Aramoho, north of Wanganui. You'll find my chapter on his zoo there in The Zoo War (2008), the text for that chapter currently up on Scribd.

This is the life and times of the Aramoho Zoo, started by Boyd in 1908. These articles date from three years into its period of existence.

7 January 1911

The lion cub born recently at the Aramoho Zoo; but which died a few days later, has been placed in the museum. It has been well mounted by Mr. H. W. Hesse, Curator.

18 January 1911

[Borough Council]
ARAMOHO ZOO.-From Mr J. J. Boyd, proprietor of the Aramoho Zoo, suggesting that the Council should form a footpath to the Zoo. or from the trams to the gate. He also thought the Council should arrange for the Harrison Band to play at the Zoo on occasions. Mr Boyd pointed out that he had established the zoo at great cost and had thereby made the trams profitable. As he had received the offer of a good opening in Auckland, he thought it would pay the Council to give him some encouragement to stay Wanganui—The Mayor thought the Council should do all it could to encourage Mr Boyd, and he moved that the Garrison Band and City Band be asked to give two concerts each before the winter. It was also decided to inform Mr Boyd that the footpath would be formed so soon as a standard survey was made.

20 January 1911

Admission: Adults 1s; Children over 12, 6d,
Under twelve, 3d.

11 February 1911

Mr J. J. Boyd, the popular proprietor of the Aramoho Zoo, is never happier than when he is getting something new or making additions to his collection of animals, etc. Both from an educative and pleasurable point of view, the Aramoho Zoo is worth a visit. The leopards and the puma are very fine specimens, and the lions and bears have grown considerably since their arrival; recent additions are monkeys from the Cape, and Lemier's monkeys [lemurs] from Madagascar, all splendid specimens. Besides seeing the animals and birds, all kinds of amusements may be indulged in such as croquet, billiards, quoits, swing-boating—all free. The children are also catered for, Mr Boyd having recently erected a child's swingboat, which holds six small children and is perfectly safe. The tea kiosk is well arranged and afternoon tea is always obtainable, Sundays included. The number of stuffed birds, butterflies, curios, etc., from all parts of the world, which are ranged around the walls, are well worth a visit of inspection. Either the Glasgow or Dublin Street cars will take you to the Aramoho terminus, and then it is only two minutes' walk. 

 4 March 1911

29 March 1911

THE ZOO.—From Mr J. J. Bovd, stating .that as he intends to establish a Zoo at Auckland, he would sell the Aramoho Zoo to the Borough Council for £10,000. He wished an early reply for, in the event of the Council not buying the Zoo, he would remove it to Auckland.—lt was decided to inform Mr Boyd that the Council had no intention of purchasing the zoo.

10 May 1911

The Aramoho Zoo is not to be removed, as Mr. J. J. Boyd's son is coming to Wanganui to take charge of it while Mr. Boyd Snr. attends to the Onehunga Zoo. Local residents will be glad to hear that the Zoo is to be continued.

23 May 1911

Mr and Mrs J. J. Boyd, jun., and three sons have arrived from Wellington to take charge of the Aramoho Zoo … Mr and Mrs J. J. Boyd, Sen., and Miss Boyd left by the Main Trunk train on Monday for Auckland. Mr. Boyd is to superintend the erection of the buildings for the Onehunga Zoo.

10 June 1911

The other provincial towns of New Zealand must awake and be brisk, or Wanganui will assuredly leave them in the race. In Wanganui is good provision of the things lively and of interest: good company, good climate, good cheer, good amusement. There is even a zoo, and the zoo at Aramoho is not to be despised. There are macaws there that took me immediately into their confidence, and who occupy honourable rank among the pleasantest chaps I met in the little city by the big river.

2 August 1911

[Report from Wanganui Museum.]
The additions are two fallow deer from Makirikiri, and a wallaby from the Aramoho Zoo. The latest addition is a ring-tailed lemur (lemur catta) which died at Mr. Boyd's Zoo and which has been placed amongst the Primates.

22 November 1911

[Borough Council meeting report]
Zoo. —Messrs Longmore and Co., in whose hands Mr. J. J. Boyd has put the Aramoho Zoo for sale, wrote offering it to the Council for £5,000. Failing a sale the animals are to be removed and the land cut up.—Referred to the Finance Committee.

22 December 1911

It is always a problem with heads of families and others as to what to do on a holiday. Just now many of our readers are concerned, as to where and how they should spend Boxing Day. With parents it is a question of where are they to take the children so as to derive the greatest enjoyment at the minimum of expense. This year, however, a solution will be easily found. Judging from what Mr. J. J. Boyd announces is to take place at the Zoo on Tuesday, there should be only one rendezvous for young and old that day —the Aramoho Zoo. If it were only for the sake of seeing the birds and animals, the Zoo would be a desirable place to take the children. One never gets tired of watching the inhabitants of the cages; for there is always something novel and interesting about them. They are an education in themselves. But for Boxing Day however, besides there being a ridiculously low price for admission, a great programme for the amusement of the young folks has been prepared. As set out in another column, there will be clowns, Punch and Judy and other mirth makers, while there will be innumerable prizes for the children, and all manner of races, scrambles, bran tubs, etc. There is also a baby show, and a beauty show, which should attract a large of entries. Hot water will be supplied free.

22 December 1911

20 March 1912

The two Teddy Bears from the Zoo are funny, especially on a fine day like Thursday will be. Look out for them on the trapeze. Please take some peanuts for them.

22 October 1912

The cosmopolitan family at the Onehunga Zoo seems to be thriving (says the Auckland "Star"). Mr. Boyd has imported a very fine baboon from Africa. Three cub lions were born on Tuesday week, and are doing well. The two Malay bears, the young Nepaul [sic] tiger, and the Victoria crowned pigeons, which were imported from India a few weeks back, are also in good condition. Two schools from the country and one from the city visited the Zoo during the week, and the children were much interested in the new arrivals.

(This included here because the “Nepaul tiger” was mentioned later, at Aramoho Zoo.)

16 November 1912

TO Let Aramoho garden and Zoo. Rent low. Apply T. J. Boyd, Foster's Hotel.

22 July 1913

[Wanganui East Boy Scouts fundraising]
Mrs. V. Stroobant, of Aramoho Tea Gardens and Zoo, offered to organise an entertainment and dance in aid of the funds. This offer was cordially accepted.

13 December 1913

Barton Bros. Circus proprietors, will arrive at Aramoho Tuesday, Dec. 16th. Location at the Zoo.

5 February 1914

The carcase of the lion which died at the Aramoho Zoo a few days ago has been treated by Mr. W. H. Hesse, curator of the Wanganui Museum. The animal was only about 18 months old when it died. It had a fine head, a magnificent set of teeth, and a beautiful coat. When ready for exhibition, the body of the lion will make a splendid acquisition to the Museum.

16 February 1914

ARRIVED and now on view, two beautiful lions, also other large animals, birds, monkeys, donkeys, tigers, bears, all alive. Aramoho Zoo

17 February 1914

[Report on preparations for Wanganui Carnival]
Aramoho Zoo. —Mr Robinson reported having interviewed the proprietress of the Aramoho Zoo, and that that lady had said the committee was welcome to the loan of anything in the Zoo. —It was decided to thank the proprietress for her kind offer.

26 February 1914

In a tent in the Avenue a remarkable freak of nature is being exhibited. It is a four-months' old calf with six and a-half feet. It is alive and well, and has come direct from the Aramoho Zoo. Much interest is being shown in the freak.

26 May 1914

WANTED— Old horses for the Aramoho Zoo.

1 June 1914

ON view, and all Alive —Lions, Tigers, Bears, Kangaroos, Lizards, Swans, Tortoises, Baboons, Monkeys. Peacocks, Jackasses. Donkeys, Oppossums. Variety of Birds. Aramoho Zoo.

28 August 1914

An unusual operation was performed at the Aramoho Zoo on Wednesday, when a fish-hook was extracted from the jaws of a lion. The fish hook had evidently found its way into the animal's mouth in a piece of meat. The lion was lassoed and tied down ,and then chloroformed. Professor Cowardine then entered the cage, and in a few minutes cut the hook out of the lion's jaw.

9 September 1914

[Wanganui Council] Building Inspector (Mr. T. M. Copeland) in his report to the Council for the month of August:—… He also inspected the Aramoho Zoo and found everything very satisfactory.

3 October 1914

The old Aramoho grounds are now wearing their best spring raiment, and are being visited by crowds. The public are perhaps not aware that there’s a good number of animals and birds at the zoo – lions, tigers, bears, kangaroos, monkeys etc. The Nepaul [sic] tiger is the only one of its kind in Australasia, and is a very fine specimen. Afternoon tea may always be procured on the grounds. Free swing boats are provided for the children, and altogether a most enjoyable and instructive time may be spent. The admission is only 6d and 3d, and trams run to within two hundred yards of the gate.

19 February 1915

A case of shocking cruelty to an animal was reported to us yesterday. It seems that a number of cattle were unloaded from a truck at the Aramoho railway yards on Wednesday. One beast was in a bad state, having been trampled on by others, and for 24 hours lay on the ground. Then came the crowning act, a carter yesterday afternoon putting a rope round the animal's carcase, and dragging it (still alive), along the roadway for some distance, when it was killed and the meat taken to the Aramoho Zoo. It is to be hoped the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals will take action in the matter.

20 February 1915

(To the Editor.)
Sir,—l see in this morning's paper a case of fearful cruelty to an animal from the railway yards at Aramoho, and you distinctly say the meat was taken to the Aramoho Zoo. Please allow me to stoutly deny this, as not one grain of those animals was brought to our place. Hoping you will contradict the statement, as you have been most wrongly informed. —Yours, etc., (Mrs.) V. STROOBANT. Aramoho Zoo.

26 June 1915

WANTED Known.—Aramoho Zoo, new management. New animals just arrived. Now on view.

2 March 1916

WANTED Known.—The Aramoho Zoo to let, as a going concern; low rental to good tenant. Apply C. H. Burnett, Ridgway Street.

3 March 1916

Some excitement, and incidentally a little alarm, was occasioned at Aramoho on Wednesday by the escape from the Zoo of an old-man monkey. The animal, as it subsequently transpired, was tame enough, but its size and appearance were such as to suggest unpleasant possibilities, especially to any children who might arouse its wrath. There was, too, the danger of injury by shock in the event of any woman or child meeting the big and ugly brute unexpectedly. Consequently the chase for the vagrant was a serious business, and he was ultimately located among the upper branches of a tree, wherein he had stopped for a rest after his exciting scamper through gardens and over roofs. To the relief of the onlookers the big fellow submitted quietly to being roped by his keeper, by whom he was led back to captivity.

27 March 1916

Aramoho appears to be quite an exciting place to reside in. Recently a baboon escaped from the Zoo, and his example was followed last night by a brown bear. The animal wandered along the road towards the railway bridge. Here he was met by two men, homeward bound, and discussing the war. They possibly remembered the saying that "Two is company, and three is a crowd," and as far as they were concerned the bear soon had the road to himself. The news that the bear was out quickly spread, and for a time a state of mild siege reigned in the locality, despite a statement that the wanderer had a most benevolent disposition. Eventually the bear was induced to return to his home at the Zoo.

30 March 1916

We are informed that the carcase of the bear which escaped from the Aramoho Zoo, and which provided scope for big-game hunting on Sunday evening last, was allowed to lie until yesterday where it fell, beside the river bank. It is a pity that someone was not interested enough to arrange to take over the carcase for Museum purposes.

31 March 1916

A Malay bear at the Aramoho Zoo was deliberately poisoned yesterday … On hearing that the bear which escaped from the Aramoho Zoo on Sunday night had been shot, the hon. Curator of the Museum lost no time in securing the carcase. The carcase of the bear has been skinned, and will in due course be stuffed and placed among the many interesting exhibits at the Museum.

5 April 1916

At the meeting of the Borough Council last night a letter was received from the Aramoho Beautifying Society referring to the recent escape of wild animals from the Aramoho Zoo, and urging the Council to take the necessary steps to have the menagerie removed.

A petition signed by about two hundred Aramoho residents also urged action, and complained of alleged smells and the roaring of some of the animals, particularly during church hours. The Minister for Internal Affairs, who has been approached on the matter, wrote stating that the Council had power, under the Municipal Corporations Act of 1908, to make a by-law to deal with the matter. He also reminded them of a letter the Council wrote in 1910 urging that permission be granted for the establishment of the Zoo on the grounds that "it would be a great benefit to the town and district.''

The Mayor referred to the fact that the Onehunga Borough Council had passed a by-law to do away with the Onehunga Zoo, and the Supreme Court had upheld their action. The matter was now however, before the Appeal Court. The passing of a by-law would take time, and more animals might escape.

Referring to the complaints of noise, the Mayor thought that the residents themselves would have to take action in the civil court. There had been a complaint on a former occasion in regard to the bellowing of stock in the accommodation paddocks. However, the Council could move if public health or safety was concerned.

On the motion of the Mayor it was "decided to draw the attention of the police and the public health inspector to the alleged state of affairs at the Zoo, and to warn the proprietor that the Council would hold him responsible for any damage or danger that might occur.

5 May 1916

Re Aramoho Zoo— The Borough should purchase this property. The Zoo grounds offer a splendid opportunity for the Borough to acquire an open space and recreation ground for Aramoho. The grounds are nicely laid out and well planted with old and suitable trees, and contain a caretaker's house and such buildings as are required for a "Tea-house" and bandstand. The Zoo itself could be abandoned, if thought desirable. The present condition of affairs in this Zoo should not be allowed to continue. Have the Borough had any inspection made of the condition of the cages containing the animals? If so, when was the last inspection made previous to the animals escaping some few weeks ago? The escape of an adult chimpanzee and a medium-sized bear immediately alongside a public school ground may not be regarded by the Council as being a very serious matter, but when the three lions take a stroll round Aramoho one of these dark winter evenings, perhaps the residents may have something further, to say to those responsible in this matter.

23 May 1916

The defendant in a civil case heard at the Magistrate's Court yesterday said he was the lessee of the Aramoho Zoo. Under examination he said he paid 30s a week for the zoo, and the takings were about 25s weekly. He said he had also to provide the food for the animals, mentioning three horses and a cow in that respect. The defendant's evidence was suggestive of a speculation, as he expressed the opinion that in summer time the receipts might be considerably increased.

14 June 1916

Last night the Borough Council received a report from the engineer (Mr Staveley) on the Aramoho "Zoo". In consequence of the report it was decided to request the Proprietor to close the Zoo, and to remove the animals.

28 June 1916

In the appeal case, Boyd v. the Onehunga Borough Council, dealing with the right of the former to keep wild animals in the borough, the Appeal Count at Wellington unanimously held that clause 2 of the by-law was too wide and was therefore ultra vires and invalid, being couched in much wider language than the reason for passing the by-law expressed in the recital. Costs were allowed to the appellant in the Supreme Court and also in the Court of Appeal as on the highest scale and as from a distance. Further, a declaration was made that Clause 2 of the by-law was invalid. The decision is of interest to the Wanganui Borough Council, who have recently been discussing the removal of the Aramoho Zoo.

19 June 1919

FOR SALE. —Aramoho Tea Gardens. Terms or cash. Apply J. J. Boyd, onr., Royal Oak Zoo, Onehunga.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Lyttleton's Timeball Station to be demolished

Image from Wikipedia.

They've decided to demolish the badly damaged Timeball Station at Lyttleton.
The earthquake-damaged Timeball station in Lyttelton is to be demolished. The decision was made after the station was hit by 70km/hr winds and a series of strong aftershocks, after being damaged in last Tuesday's 6.3 magnitude quake. The station had already been damaged by last September's 7.1 earthquake. The station was built in 1876 and was one of only five remaining timeball stations in working order in the world until Tuesday's quake. Its flags were used to communicate shipping advice to the town and its ball slowly dropped to signal the time to ships in the harbour.

[Update: NZ Historic Places Trust in their news today refer to this as "dismantling", with hopefully reuse of the materials in a way to reflect the heritage aspects of the site. My fingers are crossed.]

The New Zealand Historic Places Trust (NZHPT) confirmed today that the Timeball Station in Lyttelton is to be dismantled. One of 48 properties nationwide cared for by the NZHPT, Timeball Station is a Category I historic place and internationally significant because of its maritime history.

“This is an extremely difficult site. It was chosen as a building site over 135 years ago for the Timeball Station because of its elevated position, allowing ships to see it clearly from the harbour. That’s now working against us.
“The steep site means there’s no way to drive on and the potential to position a crane, below or above it is very limited. We are constrained not only by issues of access, but also by the risk of injury to any personnel who will need to be involved with this work. We are not prepared to put anyone’s life at risk.

“That said, if we can find a way to dismantle the Timeball Station that allows us to retain as much of the building’s materials as possible, we will do so. This site remains significant and we would hope that in future we can do justice to this important building.”

 Dating from 1876, according to the NZHPT registration info (online as at today's date).

The Lyttelton Timeball Station (1876) is one of a handful of timeball stations that have survived throughout the world, and the only original one still standing in New Zealand. The first timeball was dropped at Portsmouth in 1829. The Lyttelton Timeball was the third in New Zealand, the others being Wellington (1864) and Dunedin (1868). Timeball stations became an important part of many ports during the nineteenth century. Timeballs were constructed to drop at a known Greenwich time, so a ship's master could check the chronometer. Various forms of visual time signals such as timeballs became an important feature of ports worldwide.

The Lyttleton timeball station was erected by the Canterbury Provincial Council on a site visible from the Lyttleton heads and harbour. In 1873 the machinery and an astronomical clock were ordered from Britain. German firm Siemens Brothers supplied the timeball and its 'necessary apparatus', while the clock was provided by London-based Edward Dent and Co., noted as clockmakers for Big Ben. The castle-like building was designed by Canterbury Provincial architect Thomas Cane (1830-1905) and completed in mid-1876. It was built in local scoria with surrounds and quoins of Oamaru stone. It initially consisted of the octagonal tower that housed the timeball, and an adjoining three-storey building, which contained three residential rooms and two working rooms, the clock room and the lookout room. From late December 1876 the timeball was dropped every day at 1p.m., except when there were high winds. After May 1877 Alexander Joyce (1840-1927) became the first timeball keeper to be appointed at Lyttelton.

The timeball mechanism is fifteen metres high. The timeball consists of a hollow sphere made from a wooden frame covered with thin sheets of painted zinc. It measures one and a half metres in width and weighs over 100 kilograms. An Oregon pine mast is threaded through a hole in the ball's centre. The ball is hoisted by handwheel to the top of the mast and rests there on a catch. When the catch is pulled away the ball is released and drops down the mast. At a predetermined time the timeball was released. Ships in the harbour took their readings at the instant the timeball left the top of the mast. 

In 1877, the year after it was completed, the local harbour board paid the "Timeball keeper and signalman, Lyttleton" £234 per annum. (Christchurch Star 17 February 1877) That's about $32,846 today. The timeball, machinery and buildings were bugeted at £750 in 1874, or nearly $100,000. (Star, 5 June 1874) This was built right at the end of the Provincial Council period, so it is another building associated with that long-gone body of administrators, like the Canterbury Provincial Council chambers, which has been lost in the great February quake.

Update 1 July 2011: NZHPT have started a Facebook page on the dismantling, here.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Talk on NZ Brick Tile & Pottery Co of New Lynn, March 15

West Auckland Historical Society have asked me to give a talk at St Michael's Church, Corban Estate in Henderson, 15 March, on Albert Crum and his NZ Brick, Tile & Pottery Co in New Lynn, based on what I was able to research for this post. I offered to give it a bit of a promo for them, and they said yes.

Yet another inner city road upgrade

Auckland City Council, before the Super City took hold, decided on upgrading Lorne Street, just outside one of my favourite haunts in the world, the Auckland Central Library.Once the noisy, dusty job's finished, it'll probably look great. Perhaps more cheerful than this part of Lorne Street's looked for decades. I'm ever hopeful.

Yesterday, having a quick bite to eat on the seats outside, I spotted this on one of the boards blocking off the construction site from passersby.

I've seen tons of these orange "walk this way" signs, but not one with an added artistic element ...

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The remains of a much-loved statue

Jayne sent an email heads-up today about the discovery of two time capsules under the fallen statue of John Robert Godley at Christchurch, part of Christchurch I'm glad I photographed back in 2007. According to, yesterday:
Two time capsules were discovered in Cathedral Square under the plinth of a statute of John Robert Godley, damaged in the quake. One was a small glass capsule while the other was a large metal-like object. … The first task would be to stabilise the paper found in the half-smashed glass bottle.

Museum director Anthony Wright … said the time capsule smells a bit like blue cheese and two words could be made out: "by" and "erected". "People would love to know what's in it," said Wright.

The age of the time capsules is not known. There were several opportunities to put the capsules under the plinth of the John Robert Godley statue - one when it was first erected in 1867, or when it was returned to its original site in 1933, after being removed in 1918 to make way for a tram shelter and toilets, which were later demolished.
The statue to Godley, the founder of the Canterbury settlement, was first agreed to by the Canterbury Provincial Council in late 1862. This was the first publically commissioned statue in New Zealand. Thomas Woolner was approached by a committee in England to design it, cast in bronze, and it was well underway, to the delight of Cantabrians, by late 1863. The clay model was cast in early 1865, the casting superintended by Thomas’ brother Henry. The completed statue was loaded on board the Talbot in 1866, weighing nearly three tons, and arrived in August. It had to wait, however, for its first pedestal to be completed before the public could view it. It was finally unveiled on 6 August 1867 at Cathedral Square.

The Godley statue, erected in Christchurch, Canterbury, was unveiled on the 6th instant, the day wearing the appearance of a holiday, many of the shops being closed, and flags displayed from different housetops. …The statue (observes the Lyttelton Time) is that of a tall figure, slightly but strongly framed ; extremely erect, and remarkably expressive of dignity, energy, and decision. The forehead is bald; and the features of the face, as well the whole air of the effigy are the benignant heroic type. In gazing upon the lineaments we were reminded of that paradoxical judgment pronounced on Mr. Godley's character by Mr FitzGerald, when he said he thought he would have been a better man had he been a worse, or used words to that effect. It may have been so, looking at the great colonist as a member of ordinary society, but we have to look back on him as a leader of pioneers into a new land, where more than ordinary difficulties had to be overcome, and where it was his vocation, not only to overcome those which directly assailed himself, but to support others in their struggles, and preserve an ordinary march onwards to the conquest of such conditions of life as appertain to civilization. Surely in such a position too much virtue was hardly possible, even though it was tinctured with severity. Taking this work of combined veneration and art as a whole, it is not a mere embellishment to our city, it is an inspiration.
Evening Post 9 August 1867

The statue, and its position, was the site of meetings, rendezvous, band performances and generally formed a landmark in the city before the Anglican Cathedral fully took its form. A concrete wall was built around the statue in 1878, along with iron railings. In 1890, larrikins decorated the statue with a collar and tie.

A letter writer to the Otago Daily Times of 13 June 1894 didn’t think much of such commemorative works of public art.

I heard a reference to the statue of John Robert Godley in Christchurch as showing the uselessness of such a memorial. The example was a good one. How many of us have heard of John Robert Godley? How many are there who know his name, what he did, who he was ? His statue stands in the most prominent position in the city of Christchurch, and yet, one would be safe in saying that the vast bulk of the inhabitants of even that city itself know nothing whatever and think less of the man. A figure of a man stands in Cathedral square, unnoticed, unregarded, uncared for. That is all. What is a statue as a memorial? A mere nothing. If there be any art in it, and as a rule there is very little in New Zealand statues, the connoisseur may gaze upon it with some little interest for a few moments, but there is an end of it. The people pass by unheeding. There is nothing in it to appeal to them. They are never brought into contact with it. They are never compelled to think about it, and they never do.

The university students were quite fond of the statue, though. In 1903, it was found one morning in full academic robes after Diploma Day.
From Otago Witness, 26 August 1903

Proposals to move the statue for the first time began in 1904. In 1907, the Christchurch Council viewed plans for underground male and female loos at the back of Godley’s statue, and again suggestions were made to move it. The loos were installed in 1908, but the statue remained until 1918.

The Godley statue, which for more than fifty years has stood in the position facing the Christchurch Cathedral, was lowered on Friday last. The operation, was performed! at 5.30 a.m., the only spectator present being an enthusiastic photographer. The work of lowering the statue was .effected by placing a strong cable under the arms and across the shoulders, which gave a perfect balance. The approximate weight of the statue, which is of bronze, is 35cwt, and the height 9ft. 6in. A 3-ton derrick was used to effect the lowering from the pedestal to the ground, and with the necessary gear the figure was lifted and lowered with ease by one man. The statue is to be re-erected in a new position.
Poverty Bay Herald, 23 January 1918

The statue of John Robert Godley, which, for 50 years stood in the centre of Cathedral Square, Christchurch, has been placed in position in its new site on the northern grass plot of the Cathedral grounds. There was a small gathering to witness the ceremony of cementing the statue on its base. Before the statue was lowered into its bed of cement, a bottle was inserted in a small hollow under the statue. The bottle contained a parchment bearing the following statement in Indian ink —"This statue of John Robert Godley, executed by Thomas Woollier, R.A., was erected in the west side of Cathedral Square by the Provincial Government of Canterbury, and unveiled by the late Sir Charles Christopher Bowen, K.C.M.G., on August 6, 1867. It was moved to this site in March, 1918."

The statement was signed by the Anglican Bishop of Christchurch, the Mayor (Mr H Holland); the Town Clerk, and the City Surveyor.
Colonist, 18 March 1918

Ah, but yes, this certainly was a restless statue. By the 1930s, the city wanted the statue’s new site for a war memorial.

Although the Christchurch Diocesan Synod has unanimously acceded to the request of the War Memorial Committee that the memorial should be placed on the site in the cathedral grounds which is now occupied by the Godley Statue, there is no intention to move the statue back to its original site in the centre of the Square for at least another six months (states the "Christchurch Times"). Councillor J. W. Beanland, chairman of the Works Committee of the City Council said yesterday that the council did not have any money available for carrying out the work in the present financial year, and he expected that the removal of the statue would cost about £200. It was intended to do the work in the next financial year.

Evening Post 26 October 1931

By 1933, it was back to its original spot.

Trees cut down and site prepared for the restoration of the statue. Evening Post, 22 April 1933

The descendants of John Robert Godley, who played such a conspicuous part in the foundation of Canterbury, are gratified that the Godley statue has been placed back in its original position in the middle of Cathedral Square, Christchurch. This was stated on Thursday by General Sir Alexander Godley, when speaking at a civic function in Christchurch, states the "Press”. The Canterbury pioneer was Sir Alexander's uncle. "I wish to thank the "Christchurch City Council and all those who were instrumental in having the statue replaced," Sir Alexander said. “'The present members of the family will be very glad to hear that I saw the statue standing in such suitable surroundings and in the place where they believed it should be.” Sir .Alexander said that he had been told at Home that the statue was regarded as a work of art, and one of which any city in the Empire could be proud. Sir Alexander mentioned an occasion when the statue was subject to slight vandalism. It was while he was in New Zealand inaugurating the territorial forces. There was considerable discussion on the proposal, and some ' persons who apparently disliked the idea of military training chalked on the foot of the statue, "To hell with Godley"

"But that was rather bad luck on my uncle," Sir Alexander said.
Evening Post 19 January 1935

Rather bad luck indeed for the statue, at the moment. The 22 February earthquake knocked it down from its pedestal, and knocked its block off for good measure. Hopefully the city will be able to restore a truly historic piece of public art. The current Mayor, Bob Parker, seems keen at this time to have it fully restored.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A self-administered death

Image from Wikipedia. Photo: Kevin King.

Whatever dread a person may at first feel to inhale a dose of chloroform nearly always vanishes with the first trial. … The objection that chloroform has produced and may again, produce, death, is by far the most valid, and one which demands the gravest consideration. It must be remembered, however, that when we hear from time to time about fatal cases, no mention is made of the thousands of instances in which chloroform is constantly giving with impunity and with the happiest results. … Although used most extensively to abate the pangs of maternity, there has not in these cases been a single death recorded when the agent was administered by a qualified medical man. It may, we think, be affirmed without exaggeration that every one who starts on a railway journal encounters an almost unequal risk; and the proportionate number of accidents which occur from sea-bathing and skating are annually greater. The danger, indeed, of inhaling chloroform is fractional, while the benefit it confers on humanity is incalculable. The science of anaesthetics is yet young. Further experience will probably still further diminish the slight risk which anaesthesia entails.— Household Words. (Colonist, 19 August 1859)

Dr Charles Henry Huxtable turned up in Thames in December 1879, taking over the practice of Dr Andrews there. There he was a member of the Court Pride of Parnell Ancient Order of Forresters. By January 1880 he was successfully applied to be on the staff of the Thames Goldfield Hospital.

As will be seen in our advertisement columns Dr Huxtable, late physician and house surgeon to the Royal Infirmary, Glasgow, has commenced the practice of his profession here. He has taken the premises lately in the occupation of Dr Gilbert, in Central Pollen-street, where he may be consulted after Jan. 26. Dr Huxtable has the highest testimonials and references, and will be a valuable addition to our staff of medicos. We have seen copies of some very high testimonials to Dr Huxtable, many of them from the hands of gentlemen at the head of their profession, such as Dr W. T. Gardner, physician to the Queen for Scotland and professor of medicine in the University of Glasgow, Dr A. Wood Smith, of the Glasgow Infirmary, and a number of others.
Thames Star, 24 January 1880

Then, he met with a nasty accident later that year.

We are very sorry indeed to hear that Dr Huxtable met with a very severe accident last night. His professional duties called him up the Hope Creek district, and in coming back down one of the hill paths his horse stumbled and threw him. He was quite alone and must have been insensible for some time from the effects of the fall, but after a time managed to catch his horse and reach his home. Of course attention was at once paid to his injuries which were principally about his head, and were very serious wounds. Dr Huxtable has since his arrival on the field been most attentive to his duties, and we are sure his many friends will hear with regret the accident that has befallen him.
Thames Star, 17 August 1880

In 1880, he married Ella Mary Ridings. The couple had a son, Noel Hastings Huxtable, in 1883.

Acceptance of Dr Huxtable was not universal, however.

(To the Editor of the Thames Star)
Sir,—l am sorry, for Dr Huxtable's sake, that my remarks should have drawn him out so fully. Some of us, perhaps, now and again, may feel inclined to put forth the petition, "save me from my friends;" but Dr Huxtable, judging from his letter in your issue of Saturday, ought slightly to modify the text, and constantly offer up the prayer, "Save me from myself!" I never read a letter so stamped with egotism and self-conceit. What a shining light we have had all this time on the Thames, hiding its brilliancy under a bushel! Why, according to his own showing, he has had opportunities and advantages such as fall to the lot of very few. He was House Surgeon to this institution, House Physician to that, and goodness knows what else besides. I don't know much about those things, but I can put two and two together, and by that process it puzzles one to know how Dr Huxtable can have held all those appointments, when I remember that he stated at the Prokoffi trial that he was only four years qualified, and when I find from his printed testimonials that he was in the colonies a few months after being qualified. But, then, perhaps they are not very strict in the old country, and give those appointments to unqualified men. Dr Huxtable is anxious to impress on us that he did not come to the Thames for experience. Again I say, I don't know much about those things, but I should have thought that in progressive sciences, like Medicine and Surgery, a man engaged in the practice of his profession must always consider himself a student, and be always adding to his stock of experience. And l am afraid that the young man who starts on his labours with the comfortable conviction that he has nothing to learn will come to grief on the quicksands of ignorance. But Dr Huxtable is not an ordinary man. Like Minerva, he was projected full-fledged on the world with a complete stock of every qualification. And certainly if his experience is on a par with his modesty, he is equal to any emergency, and does not do himself injustice when he says that he "did not come to the Thames for experience." I am glad to know that there is one medical man on the Thames who "minds his own business," but I am afraid he gives a very wide interpretation to that phrase, and translates it "making his own business at the expense of others."—I am, &c, Parent.
Thames Star 3 October 1881

Dr Huxtable signed himself as Bachelor of Medicine and Master of Surgery, both qualifications earned in Glasgow in 1877. It seems, though, that he determined to quash any further thoughts as to his lack of qualification by returning to Glasgow, and gaining his doctorate in medicine in 1883. He came back to Thames by August that year, and registered under the Medical Practitioners Act. By December, though, he decided to leave Thames.

I’ve found nothing else about him, until his death at Hobson Street, in Auckland, 7 February 1886.

We very much regret to have to record the death of one of our most promising medical men, Dr C H Huxtable, physician and surgeon, who was found dead on the 7th February at seven a.m., in the parlour of his residence, Hobson-street, under the following circumstances:-

It appears that he was unable to sleep, and frequently found ease in inhaling chloroform. On February 6 he remarked to a friend whom he met that he felt ill, and must go home and lie down and see if he could obtain a couple of hours’ rest. He did so, and in the evening called on Dr Hooper between nine and ten o’clock, with whom he had a professional engagement for the following day. He told Dr Hooper he did not feel any better, and after sitting a short time he returned home.

During the evening he sent the servant girl to Mr Hudson’s, chemist. For an ounce bottle of chloroform, which she gave to Dr Huxtable on her return. He informed Mrs Huxtable that he could not get sleep, and would go down into the parlour with some pillows and try and sleep there. After having a smoke, he went to the room in question, Mrs Huxtable falling off to sleep.

On awaking on Feb 7, at seven o’clock in the morning, she went to call him and found him lying dead on the floor. She immediately sent for Dr Hooper, who resided two or three doors off, and after examining the body he stated that deceased must have been dead for some time, the body being quite cold. From appearances he had placed some chloroform, about half an ounce, and sponge in a small china bowl, and evidently during the inhalation had fallen over on his face with the bowl to his mouth, and not getting sufficient air to inhale with the chloroform had died in that position, being insensible.

An inquest was held at the Prince of Wales’ Hotel on February 8, before Dr Philson, District Coroner, and a jury, of whom Mr Walter Scott was the foreman. Mr E Cooper appointed to watch the proceedings on behalf of the deceased’s relatives. Dr Hooper gave evidence, and stated that in his opinion there was no doubt that death was caused by the inhalation of chloroform. Ella Mary Huxtable, widow of the deceased, also gave evidence and stated that the deceased used frequently to inhale chloroform when unable to sleep and always administered it himself by dropping it on a handkerchief and inhaling it. About a year ago he took an overdose, and Dr Wine was called in on that occasion. She had always tried to dissuade him from taking it. The witness deposed to the steps she took when informed of the occurrence.

After a brief deliberation, the jury returned the following verdict: - “Found dead on February 7, through inhaling an overdose of chloroform, taken to procure sleep.”
NZ Herald, 1 March 1886

He was buried in the Anglican section of the Symonds Street cemetery.

Was it that accident in August 1880, and resulting head injury, that sparked off Dr Huxtable’s chronic sleeplessness which led to his death? Probably no one will ever know.

Monday, February 28, 2011

100 NZ World War 1 memorials project

Helen Vail posted this comment at the Pukekohe War Memorial post:
"A lovely memorial haven't visited myself but will do. I have set myself the task of visiting 100 NZ WW1 memorials before August 2014 to commemorate the 100 yr anniversary of the start of WW1. Would love to know what you think."
Take a look at her blog. I think this is a wonderful project, Helen, and wish you all the very best in the endeavour. I'll add a link to your blog on the side list here. Thanks for letting me know!

"The stones of the church walls talk"

Another post on the Presbyterian Archives blog, this one on damage to St Giles Presbyterian Church, Papanui.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

William Henry “Zulu” Thompson (1841-1887): diorama showman

 Zulu Warriors, late 19th century, postcard, from Wikipedia.

Before motion pictures, there were lantern shows. But, for something with a bit more pizzazz (and prizes, just can’t forget the prizes) there were the mechanical diorama shows. These are best described by this site (complete with helpful image):

“The moving panorama, or diorama, consisted of a series of paintings on canvas which were then joined together to form one very long canvas sheet that was wound onto a vertical roller. From this roller the canvas was moved across the stage and wound up on a similar roller on the other side. The canvas could be illuminated from behind, from the front, or by a combination of both, using oil or gas lamps.”

One of the well known practitioners in the 1880s of the theatrical art of pulling ‘em in, making them watch art roll across a stage, then get prizes, was William Henry “Zulu” Thompson. He came by the sobriquet a little later in his career, but it seems he started out from America to the Australian colonies as a lecturer on the just-past American Civil War, around 1865. Lecturing, though, didn’t seem to grab the audience. It probably didn’t help that by the end of the 1860s, he wasn’t the only one at it on the circuit. Even high ranking officers (or so they said) of the American military made their way to Australasian shores to tell the colonials all about their war.

So, he decided to go one better, and went in for a mechanical diorama of his subject of choice. And there were prizes.

Since the great civil war between the Northern and Southern States of America, and which resulted in the abolition of slavery throughout the dominions of the great republic, we have had in Hobart Town several dioramic exhibitions of the leading incidents of the fearful struggle; but we remember none that was more largely patronised than was that of Thompson's Diorama of the battles which took place in the Southern States, presented last night for the first time at the Town Hall.

The hall, in every part, was crowded to excess, and when the curtain unveiled the first picture, a bird's eye view of New Orleans, a favourable impression of the ability of the artist was at once created, only to be enhanced as the more thrilling incidents of the war were unfolded, The scene representing the march of General Stewart's body of irregular cavalry on Richmond to oppose General McLellan's well-known attack upon that city at the head of a Federal detachment, afforded a graphic idea of the smartness of the cavalry, which the lecturer (Mr. Thompson, who, by the way, discharged his duties very efficiently), said had been described by the English press as " the finest body of regular cavalry in the world." Another equally effective picture was that representing the engagement of the 69th New York regiment under General Thomas Francis Meagher who, after a gallant resistance, retreated before Pittsburg, with a loss of 1,400 out of 1,000 men.

The battle between the famous Confederate cruiser the Alabama, and the Hattrass, off Galveston, was more than a picture, it was an excellent piece of mechanism, and the way in which the whole affair was worked proved highly interesting, particularly to the junior portion of the audience. The funeral procession of the great southern commander General Stonewall Jackson, whose death sealed the fate of the Confederate army, is a very elaborate piece of mechanism, the movements of the soldiery forming the cortege being regulated with wonderful precision, and drawing forth warm expressions of approval. In fact, the whole diorama proved a success; and though the music in some respects was not up to the mark, still it added much to the enjoyment of the evening.

At the close of the diorama Mr. Thompson proceeded to present the prizes to the holders of tickets, in accordance with the announcements in the show-bills. These consisted of some really valuable and, at the same time, useful articles, including tea and coffee service (4 pieces), two presentation cups, two sovereigns, large liqueur frames, two cruet stands, a couple of opera glasses, and an infinity of other things which we need not describe. One singular circumstance in connection with the prizes was that the great bulk of them went to the shilling part of the hall, thus doing away with any suspicion of favouritism. The exhibition will be on view again to-night.

Hobart Mercury, 26 September 1876

USS Hatteras in action with CSS Alabama, off Galveston, Texas, on 11 January 1863, from Wikipedia.

Evening Post 7 August 1877

Wanganui Herald 5 September 1877

This went down a treat, but by the end of the 1870s, the American Civil War probably seemed rather old hat. So, Thompson took steps to freshen up his act. Fortunately for him, I suppose, this was the age of the British Empire, and a colonial conflict out in the Darkest Continent came in time to rescue his fortunes.

Melbourne is to be instructed during the Exhibition in regard to most of the leading incidents which took place during the Zulu War. Mr W H Thompson, of American war diorama celebrity, on leaving Sydney made his way to South Africa, where he collected such information as will enable him to present to Australia a thoroughly reliable panoramic view of the war. The artists who have been employed upon it are Messrs Telbin, Gordon, Harper, Walter Harm, and H. Emden, of Drury Lane. Mr Thompson goes out by the Kaisar-i Hind to make the necessary preparations, so as to have everything ready by the time the Exhibition opens.

Otago Witness 24 July 1880

Thompson's Colossal Mirror of the Zulu War will open for a season of six nights at the Mechanics' Institute, this evening. The paintings of the various scenes in that dreadful struggle are from the brushes of several of the most celebrated London scenic artists, such as Telbin, Gordon (of the London Comedy Company), Harford, Lloyd, and others. The exhibition has been shown before crowded audiences throughout Australia, and is altogether superior to most of such entertainments that have visited the colonies. The views comprise pictures of the battle of Isandula; the defence of Rorke's Drift ; saving the colours; the wreck of a the troopship Clyde; and the diorama of 8000 moving figures, representing Lord Chelmsford's march to the relief of Ekowe, and the funeral procession of the Prince Imperial from Woolwich to Chislehurst, together with many other interesting and masterly portraits. At the conclusion of the exhibition a number of a valuable presents will be distributed among the audience. The descriptive lecturer is Mr W. H. Thompson, who some years since made two successful visits to this place.

Launceston Examiner 17 October 1881

The defence of Rorke's Drift 1879, from Wikipedia.

He toured around both Australia and New Zealand with the diorama, and it proved an enormous hit. But then, his business sense went awry. He bought another diorama when the Zulu War one seemed to be a little flat as far as audience attraction went – and that one turned out to be as old as the hills. And the cost of those prizes – even when the takings were slim, folks still expected their prizes, of course. Bankruptcy loomed, then crashed over “Zulu” Thompson, landing him in meetings with his creditors in Wellington.

The Troubles of a Showman.
The adjourned meeting of creditors in the estate of William Henry Thompson, proprietor of the Zulu War Diorama, was held to-day , the representatives of two creditors being present in addition to the Official Assignee and the debtor. Mr. Thompson made the following statement : — I am a married man and have two children. About three and a-half years ago I passed through here, and the Manager of the Bank of Australasia will tell you that I had £2500 to my credit in that Bank. It was on deposit at 2½ per cent. I then went to Sydney and bought 200 shares in the new theatre building in that city at £10 per share, and altogether I paid £600 in calls. I was advised to sell out, and did so for £250, thus dropping £350 on the shares.

I bought from Mr. George Gordon, of the Theatre Royal, Melbourne, for .£550 cash, the panorama of the Egyptian War, which I exhibited in Sydney. There I lost £750, owing to opposition and the show not being as successful as I expected. [It had been the fifth time the same show had gone through Melbourne]. I then went to Mauritius, taking a company of nine people with me. I paid £350 for passages alone. I paid £600 to Saber and Sons for goods, and got credit for £100 worth of goods in addition, and I had 660 sovereigns in my pocket. I arrived in Mauritius in the height of the summer, and consequently had a bad season, and Mrs. Thompson had to pawn her diamonds to pay our fares to get away, as I had lost all my cash. I had been six weeks in Mauritius, and spent about £200 a week expenses.

Then I went to Durban, South Africa, and was similarly unsuccessful in consequence of the depressed state of the country. I then performed at Capetown, and had £90 left out of the whole of my capital and goods— just sufficient to pay the fares of myself and wife to Melbourne. I was unsuccessful throughout the whole of my African tour.

I arrived in Melbourne with £5 and went to Sydney and reorganised the company, the Bank of Australasia lending me £200 on some land I had at the North Shore. I went up country with that money and lost it all. With £50 more which the Bank lent me I went to Melbourne and lost again, and had to sell my diamonds to pay my liabilities. Then I went to Ballarat, where the show was seized. I purchased it back with £100 my wife lent me out of her own private purse — money left her by will. Then I came to New Zealand, and in Dunedin I made £65 after paying all expenses. In Christchurch I did nothing, and that was the cause of all my trouble, as I lost everything. Then I went to Blenheim, the West Coast, and Wanganui and struggled through till 10 days ago the bailiffs took possession of the diorama on account of a debt owing to a Christchurch firm. Then I filed.

I have paid everybody in Wellington. Saber and son's books will show that for years I have paid them about £2000 a year for goods. I always paid the board of my company, and their wages were paid every Monday. I did not think it necessary to keep books. I had good houses here, but the Athenaeum Hall will only hold about £18 or £19 at my prices. The Zulu War Panorama cost me £2000. There being no quorum of creditors no resolution was passed, and the matter was left in the hands of the Official Assignee, who will call for tenders for the purchase of the two panoramas.
Evening Post 27 February 1886

Evening Post 10 April 1886

His Zulu War diorama was purchased by Alfred Eric Wyburd (d. 1900), himself a theatrical celebrity in his day.

Death of Mr Wyburd -Mr Alfred Wyburd, well known here and in South Africa as a theatrical agent and hotel keeper, died last evening at the Baden Baden Hotel, Coogee, of which he was the lessee. Mr Wyburd who was an energetic and popular man was, at the outset of his career, a professional cyclist, and for a long time he managed the Bondi Aquarium with success. As a boniface he was entirely connected with the Commercial Hotel, King street, which he left to conduct a long theatrical tour of the Cape This was interrupted by the outbreak of the war, and he then returned to Sydney, and died at Coogee, as noted above, whilst not much past the meridian of life.
Sydney Morning Herald 5 September 1900
Zulu Thompson's War Diorama, after a very good time in Wellington, has gone to the country districts under the management of that experienced showman, Mr. Alf. Wyburd, the "gifts" being, of course, the leading feature in the nightly programme. Possibly we may have an opportunity, in the sweet by-and-bye, of annexing some of the jewelled coffee-pots, gold-headed walking-sticks, and silver-plated meat choppers so lavishly scattered around.

Observer 7 May 1887

“Zulu” Thompson reinvented himself as host at Wellington’s Albion Hotel – but, it was all too late for him. Diabetes, in the days when it was a death sentence, claimed him.

We regret to have to record the death of Mr. W. H. Thompson, better known as " Zulu " Thompson, who breathed his last at his residence in Dixon-street last evening, at the age of 46. The deceased came out to Australia about 1860, and was a member of a dramatic company for some time. He then wont back to England, and returned as lecturer to a diorama of the American war, with which ho travelled all over the world. After being connected with the show for some time, he purchased it, and amassed a large amount of money, the receipts as a rule being very good. He subsequently acquired a diorama of the Zulu war, and exhibited it in different parts of the world with more or less success. The soubriquet of "Zulu" was gained through his connection with this show. About two years ago he settled down in Wellington, and was licensee of the Albion Hotel until his health gave way and compelled him to relinquish business. For five or six months prior to his demise he suffered severely from diabetes, and his death was due to that disease. Mr. Thompson was a genial, kind-hearted man, and was well-liked by all who knew him. He leaves a wife and daughter, the latter about 7 years of age.

Evening Post 27 December 1887

Thousands of people throughout the colonies will remember the Diorama of the Zulu War, and its portly cicerone, Mr. Thompson. He had for some time past been host of an hotel at Te Aro, Wellington. A telegram, dated Wellington, December 28, says :-" ' Zulu ' Thompson was buried to-day, and his funeral was attended by a considerable number of members of the theatrical profession." From another source we learn that he had been suffering from diabetes for some months past. He was 40 years of age, and leaves a widow, formerly a Hobart resident, and one daughter, seven years of age. Mr Thompson first came out to the Australian colonies as lecturer to a panorama of the American War somewhere about 1865. He travelled all over the world with that and his succeeding show, the Zulu War, visiting Great Britain, Canada, the United States, South Africa, India, China, Japan, and the Australian colonies. In the "show" line few men were better known or more universally liked than poor " Zulu.” With a natural genial bonhomie he made friends wherever he travelled, and no call was ever made for his help in cases of brother professionals in need of assistance, but what a generous response was given. Mr. Thompson was a member of the Masonic fraternity.

Mercury (Hobart) 7 January 1888

Such was the Australasian career of “Zulu” Thompson.