Now, to me it looks like the sign used to read: "Shop at MAX MARKET". It might even be "MAY MARKET" I took a couple of moments to check an old directory from the 1960s, and that shop was once a grocer's, so -- the old sign may be late 1960s to 1970s. A corner general store, the kind that was probably choked off by the 3 Guys development across the road.
I took the shot from a moving bus going through the intersection, by the way, so please excuse the quality. It was a one-shot (which I usually do), quick snap through a grimy bus window while in motion job. I'm glad I had the camera with me. You never know when a bit of the past will suddenly appear from out of the coverings of the present.
Looks like an X there maybe? I love it when old signs are still on buildings. Cool post Ice.
PS I read your comment....