Saturday, August 21, 2010

Art in Eden Valley

Eden Valley Shops, the last shopping centre along Dominion Road before you hit the start of the CBD, at first didn't seem to offer much in the way of photo opportunities.

It's in the shadow of Eden Park, the reconstruction of which in time for next year's Rugby World Cup dominates not only this landscape, but that of Auckland itself in political and economic terms.

Just walking past that, on my way from Sandringham to Dominion Roads, made me feel sorry for residents there. Loud, loud, loud noise ...

A comfort stop, though, changed my view of this shopping centre in terms of its art.

Along the interior walls, separated by white tiles, are some lovely patterned ones.

And then, I started to notice adornment on the buildings.

Below are painted doors from Antique Alley, who gave me kind permission to photograph while the shop was open. Great antiques place, by the way. Well worth a long, long browse.

Vegetation springs up in unexpected places ...

And then, there's the architecture.

The Auckland Meat Company building, from the early part of last century, was up until recently painted in garish colours and swathed in billboards. It looks great now.

Dominion Road Methodist Church.

Pillars guarding an entry to who knows where.

And to finish off -- the sea.

Guardians of sunken wrecks, and the 45 minute parking zone.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Wade Hotel revisted

I found an old photo in a fairly cheap old frame in a wonderful antique shop on Dominion Road today -- and it has helped solve a bit of a mystery for me.

Back in November 2008, I posted a shot I took of the Wade Hotel at Silverdale. (Despite the fact that the shot was a distance one, from across the busy street, it must have been thought of as a bit of a cracker by whoever put up an entry for the hotel on the View Auckland site, because they nabbed it from Timespanner and used it on their site. Eh. Such is the way of the 'Net. I've emailed them and asked for due credit.)

Anyway ... this photo I found today looks like the centre part of the old hotel. I found, as well, that Maurice Kelly's original Wade Hotel burned down in 1880, so this must be the rebuilt version. So, an answer to my question almost two years ago -- the centre of the hotel, still to be seen today, dates from the 1880s.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives online

I was told about this just today: the National Library have put the first two decades of the AJHRs, 1860s and 1870s, online and (like Papers Past) they are keyword searchable.

AtoJs Online.


Edwin Oakley (c1824-1886), a mill and a creek

Image from NZETC.

Post updated, with additional information and corrections, 14 February 2011, and 13-14 February 2016.

On 15 July this year, Peter McCurdy, a resident of Waterview at the end of Cowley Street (and living in direct line of the northern entry/exit point for the Waterview tunnel for State Highway 20) made a submission to the Auckland City Council Joint RCA and Transport Committee. His submission was to do with historical findings as to the land usage history of the northern bend and mouth of Oakley Creek, on behalf of a new group called Star Mills Preservation Group.

He referred to 2009 being the 150th anniversary of the appearance of John Thomas' Star Mill close to the end of Cowley Street -- then went on to say:
"... Edwin Oakley -- engineer, entrepreneur and violinist -- had a dam, a water-wheel and a mill on the Creek named after him. That is, by 1845."
The submission seems to imply that Oakley's mill was on the Star Mill site: "there was a working mill here some fifteen years earlier."

It seems that Edwin Oakley's idea involved constructing an operating a flax mill in the mid 1840s. Trouble is, the Blue Books, the NZ Government statistics collection of the day, do not list a flax mill among Auckland's places of manufacturing for the years 1844, 1845 or 1847. The only flax mill mentioned is one in Nelson. Yet, yes -- Edwin Oakley did write a petition to the Colonial Secretary in 1844, asking for a squatting license and to purchase iron to erect a flax mill. (from Archives NZ register room, 1844 Colonial Secretary’s Office Inwards Correspondence Register Transcript), and the following year asked for a renewal and extension (the transcript list refers to "Allotment 61"). Allotment 61 refers to the then new Parish of Titirangi, illustrated here:

From SO 833, c. 1850s, LINZ records, crown copyright.
Oakley was definitely involved with flax dressing at that point -- with a partner.
We are glad to perceive that flax dressing is beginning to attract the attention of the people since the date of our last paper we have seen various samples of fine flax. Mr. Wright has by means of steam prepared some very fine samples. But we are led to think, from various experiments, that steam is not adapted for the first process; it certainly assists much in bleaching the flax when prepared by a first process, but the effect of steam upon the green leaf is certainly to harden it. Steaming may with great advantage be used as a secondary process, but the most efficient plan is boiling in potash. We were pleased to see a simple, but efficient machine in active operation at Mr. Smithson's. It is the invention of Mr. Smithson and Mr. Oakly; and is merely an improvement upon the plan in use by the natives. The flax is in the first instance boiled in a solution made from potash, or wood-ashes, and then passed through a scraper worked by the foot. Even with this simple machine, one man could dress from fifty to seventy pounds a day. Several improvements will, we doubt not, be made in the application of machinery. We ourselves would be very happy to show any of the mechanics the principles of machinery whereby any quantity of flax may be dressed. By this plan, the flax after being boiled in potashes, would be afterwards subjected to a beater; then passed through two wheels with hackles on their circumference, thereby the flax would be separated into small fibres; and finally subjected to the action of a scotching machine. A process of this kind, would certainly, and effectually dress any quantity of flax. Since the above was written, we are happy to say, that Mr. Smithson is successfully engaged in dressing flax. He is about adapting effective machinery to the after process of cleaning and from his ingenuity and perseverance we have no doubt of his success.
 Southern Cross, 14 October 1843

FLAX-DRESSING MACHINES. THE Undersigned is willing to contract for the Erection of Mills and Machinery for Dressing Flax in any quantity, not less than one ton per week, and will guarantee the quality suitable for the English market. E Oakley. Wyndham-street, April 5, 1844. 

Southern Cross 6 April 1844

But, did this piano-forte salesman from 1843 actually build a mill on the steep slopes of Allotment 61? As I said earlier, the Blue Books indicate otherwise, and I could find no newspaper references to its operation (and believe me, the newspapers were very interested in ideas and developments when it came to the flax industry back then.) But, the records remaining from his three petitions in 1844 and 1845 indicate that he had a mill of some sort, a water wheel, and a number of ineffective dams which were washed away in floods before he could use them.

44/1037 3.5.44 Edwin Oakley Petition for Squatting License and to Purchase Iron to erect a Flax Mill.
To His Excellency Robert FitzRoy Esquire Captain in the Royal Navy Governor and Commander in Chief of the Territory of New Zealand and its dependencies. Vice Admiral of the Same,
The Petition of Edwin Oakley of Wyndham Street Auckland, Carpenter and Joiner
Humbly Sheweth
That Your Petitioner has been some time passed been occupied in adapting machinery to the purpose of dressing the native flax in quantities for exportation and having at length succeeded is desirous of building a water mill –

That your Petitioner from want of capital is unable to purchase the large quantities of land, wood and flax which would be required for the carrying on an establishment of this nature and feeling convinced that your Excellency would look favourably on an effort to bring into use an article on which the future prosperity of this Country so much depends has been induced to apply to your Excellency for your aid.

Under the above circumstances your Petitioner humbly prays that your Excellency will be pleased to grant him a Squatting License upon a creek with your Petitioner can describe to your Excellency no better at the present time as situate between four and fives miles from Auckland on the Road to the Wao and Karangahape District about one mile from the River Waitemata with the use of the Creek and Liberty erect a dam across same – Your Petitioner would also wish to have a lease of about 2 acres of land for the erection of the buildings necessary and your Excellency’s consent to the loan or purchase of a piece of old Iron now lying near the old Market House or Store on the Beach –Your Excellency’s petitioner engaging on his part to erect a water mill with machinery to dress the flax fit for exportation – And your Petitioner will ever pray …

D Sinclair – Inform the Petitioner that Squatting (Occupational Licenses) can only be granted from year to year – that such a License I will readily grant him if the Surveyor General approves … a suitable situation.
Refer him and these papers to the Surveyor General.
TF May 4/44

Oakley informed 7/5/44

D Sinclair – Grant License at one shilling per acre for three acres. Give the piece of iron. T.F. May 16/44

5/1018 24 June 1845 Edwin Oakley for renewal and extension of squatting licence to Allot No. 61
To His Excellency Robert FitzRoy Esquire Captain in the Royal Navy Governor and Commander in Chief of the Territory of New Zealand and its dependencies. Vice Admiral of the Same,
The Petition of Edwin Oakley of Auckland in the said colony, settler
That your Petitioner had an occupational License granted to him by your Excellency of about three acres of land situate near Auckland about twelve months ago – That since that time your Petitioner has at considerable expense erected a water wheel and prepared machinery for the dressing of flax. That your Petitioner has also formed a mill dam but that a sufficient power cannot be obtained without incurring the risk of great loss of property, the dam having already been carried away by a Flood – That Petitioner is anxious to unite a Flour Mill to the wheel already erected and for the purpose of propelling the water it will be necessary to have a still increase power – That on Government Reserve No. 61 in the Parish of Titirangi a little higher up than the present wheel is a good Fall of Water sufficient for the purposes aforesaid – That Petitioner proposes to cut a Mill Race from the Upper Water Fall on the said Reserve 61 to the Water Wheel above mentioned and for the purpose of a flour mill.

Your Excellency’s humble Petitioner therefore prays that the License already mentioned as granted to your Excellency’s humble Petitioner be renewed and also that your Excellency will be pleased to grant your Petitioner a further license of the Government Reserve No 61 in the Parish of Titirangi for the purposes of the Flax Wheel and Flour Mill aforesaid and your Excellency’s humble Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray …
(Written across the page)
There is no objection to the Petitioner’s obtaining a squatting license of No. 61 under the Act. I visited his works on Saturday the 28th inst and found that he had been at much trouble in erecting dams across the stream, which are, I find, quite useless for the purpose he requires. The Water Fall to which he alludes and from which a race can be cut is the best water power within 15 miles of Auckland.

C W Liger
Surveyor General

D Sinclair –
Authorise compliance.
TF July 5 1845

From Archives New Zealand, documents photographed by John Adam.

The Northern War came along in 1844/1845, causing anxiety in early Auckland. Oakley's scheme may have come adrift at that point. Indeed, in October 1845 and on into 1846, Auckland farmers lamented that there was no other flour mill, other than those at Epsom and Mechanic's Bay. (Letter from "A Farmer", New Zealander, 2 August 1845). In January 1850, Oakley sailed to California, then was in Hawaii for a time, returning to Auckland later that decade to take up another partnership, this time with carpenter/builder John C Jearrad at a Mechanics Bay sawmill. He arrived back in Auckland from Sydney on the barque Breadalbane in  early October 1858. (New Zealander 6 October 1858, p. 2) In 1859 Oakley took it over (Southern Cross 11 March 1859) but it is unknown how long he remained involved there. The term "entrepreneur" suits him well -- trouble was, his ideas never seemed to stay the distance.

In 1861, he was one of a number writing reports as requested by the Provincial Council as to Auckland's water needs and future supply. Tellingly, he did not refer to the creek that seems to bear his name as an option (perhaps because it had cost him so dearly?) By 1862, he was living in Mongonui, arguing over timber rights (Southern Cross, 5 September 1862), was an unsuccessful tenderer for the construction of an iron store at Queen Street wharf in 1864 (Southern Cross, 29 September 1864), he was successful in his tender (and contract) to build a store at Port Waikato for the Government by July 14, 1864 (Return of Contracts, December 1864, AJHR 1865, Session I, D-07), and ran for both the General Assembly and Provincial Council for Mongonui -- although he lived at Port Waikato -- in 1865.

TO THE FREE AND INDEPENDENT ELECTORS OF THE DISTRICT OF MONGONUI. GENTLEMEN,— You will soon he called upon o exercise the privileges conferred by the Constitution in the election of a Representative of your interests in the General Assembly, and also in the Provincial Council. Having been solicited to accept both these nomi nations, I have consented to the proposal; and, if necessary, demand a poll. Should you elect me as your Representative, I shall strenuously urge the facility of access and great security of your splendid harbour, the salubrity of your climate and fertility of the soil, which, I believe, only requires some modification in the existing land laws (holding every facility to those who are willing to reside on the land and cultivate it) to cause an immediate and large increase to your population and to the Electoral Roll, sufficiently preponderating over any obstacles that can be raised by the Southern portion of the colony to prevent reparation, followed by effective and economical Government for the North, in which I intend being a permanent resident. I remain, Yours faithfully, EDWIN OAKLEY.
Southern Cross, 11 November 1865

He pulled out just before the election, deeming it "prudent" to do so. (Southern Cross, 30 November 1865)

At that point, I lost sight of him in Papers Past.

However (update: 13 February 2016), he appeared in the electoral rolls at Port Waikato up to around 1869, then in the 1870-71 roll he was on a leasehold property at the Horeke Saw Mill up in the Hokianga. He may have been in Hawaii as early as 1877, operating a building firm from out of the International Hotel in Honolulu. (Hawaiian Gazette, 28 February) Certainly, by 11 August 1881, he was resident in the island kingdom, taking out a lease for land on Queen Street, Honolulu. (Hawaiian Gazette, 9 March 1886, p. 2). His business career began to come undone in 1885, his fate tied to a contract he undertook for the royal government. There was a dispute over part of the bill, he refused to reduce it, so Paul Neumann, Attorney General for the royal court, refused to pay, and Oakley's creditors demanded their due. There were even claims of demands for a "backhander" payment to process the bill at the royal court.

A distant cousin of his has contacted me and sent a copy of a news item which appeared in the Honolulu Evening Bulletin, 11 January 1886:

Yesterday morning about half past nine o'clock Edwin Oakley was found dead by the side of Kewalo street, on the plains. The body was in a sitting posture, the throat cut and the blood vessels of the arm severed. A razor was found near the corpse. W C Wilder, Jr, the first to make the ghastly discovery, notified the Station House authorities, and Deputy-Marshall Dayton, as coroner, held an inquest, the jury returning a verdict that he died by his own hand.
Oakley was about 62 years of age and a native of Southampton, England, where his father owned a large market garden, well known as "Oakley's Garden." [Apparently, according to the family historian, this garden was one of the providers for fruit and vegetables on the ill-fated Titanic. "Edwin was a minor in 1831 when his father died; his older brother took over the business."
At thirty years of age the deceased went to South Australia, thence shortly after emigrating to California, where he lived for a long period. While there he was leader of an orchestra, and the inventor of improvements in piano frames and violin rests. 
He has been in these islands a good while; for seven years foreman for Mr E B Thomas, contractor. His reputation is that of a square-dealing man in all business matters. Oakley was a bachelor and had no relative in this country. He held the lease of three cottages on Queen street, living in one of them. Lately he was in hospital for some ailment that the physicians failed to diagnose. A large amount, for a poor working man, was due to him for some time at the Palace, while several of his creditors were threatening to sue him. These circumstances combined to depress him greatly, and he had been heard repeatedly to express a purpose of self-destruction. 
On the person of the deceased were found near fifty dollars in gold, paper and silver, a bottle containing arsenic, private papers and small personal effects. The body was interred at Makiki after the inquest. A movement was set on foot this forenoon, however, to accord decent burial to the unfortunate man. Mr Thomas circulated a subscription paper, and in a few hours secured all the money required for that purpose. Accordingly, the body has been disinterred, and the funeral will take place from the late residence of the deceased, Queen street, at ten o'clock tomorrow forenoon. The late Mr Oakley, having died intestate, his affairs revert to the British Consulate for settlement.
According to the family historian, a younger brother, similarly best by financial woes in 1848, also committed suicide.

Edwin's gravestone at the Nuuanu Memorial Park in Honolulu, beneath the emblem of a hand stabbing a heart with a dagger, reads:

In memory of

a native of
Southampton, England
who Died in Honolulu
Jan., 10, 1886
Aged 68 years

After life's fitful dream he was here
placed at sleep that knows no
waking by his friends and he
had many.

The heart pierced by a sword image tend to be used in Catholic cemeteries, symbolising the Virgin Mary and the prophecy that her heart would be pierced by grief, as if by a sword. It also symbolises repentance and devotion.

Or, it could simply have meant that Oakley's friends felt that he had been stabbed through the heart in the metaphorical sense.

His end was a sad and untimely one, and was undoubtedly precipitated by the actions of those who could have averted his taking off if they had wished.

Daily Honolulu Press, 13 January 1886

Back to Auckland ...

Allotment 61 remained in Crown hands, passed to the Auckland Provincial Council as a funding reserve in the mid 1850s, leased by the Superintendent in 1874 to a man named Howard (possibly Joseph Howard, who owned the farm just across the creek at the time), and then assigned back to the Crown in 1882. This was a smaller version of the original Allotment 61. Bits seem to have been carved off it, at the Waterfall end, and initially passed to private hands, but eventually (Allotments 102-105) ending up back in the hands of the government, and were traded between education board and asylum authorities for the future Fowlds Park site in the early 1890s.

Roll 46, c. 1890s, Linz records, crown copyright

So, was Edwin Oakley's flax mill at Waterview just another one of his grand ideas for profit, or did it exist in  any sort of functioning state? Contemporary records so far weigh against it, but -- hopefully the group researching him and his mill will provide further clues for public viewing as to what went on alongside Oakley's Creek all those long years ago.

Monday, August 16, 2010

My Stop Cafe sign, Newmarket Train Station

Yes, why not have a theme sign for a cafe next to the train station? I haven't been in the cafe, so no comments from me regarding the tucker -- but I do like this sign. Spotted weekend before last.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Blog spotting: Genealogy New Zealand

In pulling together a talk at the Central Library for next Wednesday on medical records, I came across another interesting blog: Genealogy New Zealand. Looks like it started up last month - another one to add to the links list.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Women who love women and Local History

Information from the Charlotte Museum, on their upcoming event day in September. Further to this post.

Mt Albert's only museum is organising the first of a series of local history events on Sunday, September 12. 

The Charlotte Museum’s founder, Miriam Saphira, will describe how this community-based museum was established and what was involved in setting it up. She will describe the search for a venue, compliance issues, funding, and how its collections are catalogued and conserved. Miriam will give sound advice on the practicalities of starting up a museum, making historical societies aware of the challenges they face as well as describing what the museum has achieved. 

Jenny Rankine, the museum's co-ordinator and a member of the Mount Albert Historical Society, will describe the differing attitudes to women who loved women in New Zealand since the early 1800s. For example, it is not commonly known that in the 1800s, openly loving relationships between women who lived together were accepted and sometimes widely praised.

The event starts at 2pm. There will be plenty of time for questions and discussion after both speakers, followed by nibbles and drinks. Entry is by koha. 

The Charlotte Museum is a museum of New Zealand lesbian history and culture. As well as being the only museum in Mt Albert, we believe it is the only lesbian museum in the world. The museum is tucked away in a small business estate in suburban Mt Albert, at Unit 7a, 43a Linwood Avenue, off St Lukes Road. It moved from its original site in Grey Lynn in November 2009 and opened again in February. Charlotte Museum is open to the public on Wednesdays from noon to 4pm, and Sundays from 1.30 to 4pm, and at other times by arrangement. It is run by the Charlotte Museum Trust and relies heavily on volunteer labour. 

The museum's displays include panels from past exhibitions and photographs from events, as well as a treasure trove of fascinating images, artifacts, memorabilia, posters, artwork and information. Museum staff and volunteers are knowledgeable members of the community who can expand on aspects of the exhibitions for members of the public who want more information. Volunteers are cataloguing the museum's significant collections of lesbian books, magazines, posters, records, coasters, and other ephemera. 

The museum's first exhibition, a survey of lesbian life in New Zealand from the 1800s, was followed by ones on sexuality and lesbian theatre. Volunteers are working on forthcoming exhibitions about lesbian music, lesbians in sport and lesbians at work. 

The local history event is part of a regular programme of public events at the museum. Events in 2010 included an Anzac Day talk and photos about the Pramazons, a lesbian feminist peace group that pushed prams from Whakatane around the East Cape to Gisborne in 1983, performing puppet shows, concerts and theatre about a nuclear-free and independent Pacific at local halls and marae every night. In May, the museum celebrated the centenary of the birth of Tuini Ngawai, a prolific Ngati Porou songwriter, composer, kapa haka teacher and champion shearer who had relationships only with women. In June and July, the museum hosted gay community events talking about the different experiences and perspectives of older and younger lesbians, gay men, takataapui and transgender people, and encouraging dialogue between the generations. Contact the museum on 021 112 6868 or email 


Monday, August 9, 2010

More boxes, brightening our streetscape

Once again, Bill and Barbara Ellis have very kindly given permission for their photos to appear on the blog. This time -- more control boxes.

This one, according to their email, is at the rear of the old Post Office building, Silverdale.

And this next one is in Hillary Square, Orewa. I love the NZ map and the fern on the sides!

Thanks again, Bill and Barbara!

Onehunga Train Station: work in progress

Guest spot photographs from my friends Bill and Barbara Ellis, showing the construction work in progress at the site for the new Onehunga Train Station. This is due to open on September 18, a day when I'll have to scamper across to Onehunga, take photos, then hot-foot it back to Avondale for the rest of the Avondale Heritage Photo Exhibition at St Jude's ... ah, the busy life of a history buff!

Thanks, Bill and Barbara!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

The shrubbery thieves of Titirangi

This, from the NZ Herald, 3 October 1928.

Residents of Tititrangi have suffered considerably at the hands of trespassers in search of shrubs and ferns.

The Auckland Automobile Association yesterday received a letterv from a property owner, who has been harrassed by the frequent visitations of motoring parties, who recognise no boundaries. The writer states that picnic parties often park their motor-cars across private gateways and then enter the properties to root up flowers and plants. Last Sunday some motorists camped at the writer's gate and then prowled in a private gully, removing primroses and daffodils. Their excuse was that they thought they were in wild bush, but the property owner considered the apology was weak, since the flowers were not native, and the presence of a camping whare hardly justified the assumption that the area was "no man's land."

The secretary of the Automobile Association, Mr G W Hutchison, stated there was justification for complaint. It was regrettable that some motorists could not consider the rights of property owners. Such abuses by the few restricted privileges for the great majority.

Street Stories 15: The History of Selcourt Road

Updated 19 April 2020.

Following is another guest post, this one from Arnold Turner, member of Mt Albert Historical Society.

Formerly called: SELWYN ROAD
At times also formerly called: Smith Street and Albert Road

In the early 1880s, Allan Kerr Taylor subdivided all of his land situated on the north-western side of New North Road, from Western Springs Road in the north to about where Wairere Avenue is now. The subdivision was into large lots of an acre or more each. In order to allow access to the interior lots in that part of his subdivision which lay between what are now St. Lukes Road and Wairere Avenue, he provided for a lane, about 33 feet wide, running from New North Road in almost a straight line to the railway line; and thence by an irregular route to what is now Asquith Avenue.

The subdivision was advertised for sale in 1882. As A  K Taylor sold lots in that subdivision, he gave the purchasers of lots fronting the lane the right-of-way over it. But he retained ownership of the lane.

Part of an 1890s map. The lane is not named. But on the map in an auctioneer’s advertisement dated November 1882 it is named ‘Selwyn Road’. Avondale Road was originally called ‘Old Whau Road, and is now called Asquith Avenue.

Lot 15 in the subdivision is situated on the south side of the lane, some distance in from New North Road. By Deed dated 19th September 1882, A K  Taylor sold Lot 15 to Rev. W S Potter, a Primitive Methodist Minster, for £220, and granted the purchaser a right-of-way over the lane. In the Deed the lane is named ‘Albert Road’. (On the map in the auctioneer’s advertisement that year it is named ‘Selwyn Road’). There must have been a building of some kind on Lot 15 at the time, because Rev Potter immediately raised a mortgage for £120 from the Auckland Savings Bank. By Deed dated 25th June 1883, Rev Potter sold Lot 15 to Joseph Charles Smith, a cabinetmaker, who paid £140 in cash and took over responsibility for the mortgage. By 1894, A K  Taylor had died. In that year, Sophia Louisa Taylor, his executrix, caused a survey to be done of some of the land on the northern side of the lane, and the plan was lodged in official records as No. 1271.

Shown on this 1894 plan is a substantial part of the lane created by the original subdivision, and it carries the name: “Selwyn Road”. The position of Mr. Smith’s house is also shown on the plan. The extension of the lane to (now) Asquith Avenue is not shown. LINZ records, crown copyright.

By 1907, Frederick William Monthey, settler, was the owner of Lots 25, 26 and 27 situated in the northwestern corner of the 1880s subdivision. His land had a small frontage to what was then called Avondale Road and a frontage to the lane. By Deed dated 22nd March 1907, Sophie Louisa Taylor made him the owner of Lots 16 and 17. (Price £60). Lots 16 and 17 had frontage to the lane, and lay between Monthey’s existing 3 lots and Mr. Smith’s land. The Deed also transferred to Mr  Monthey the freehold ownership of the lane, which was described in the Deed as: “now known as Smith Street and running from the New North Road to the Old Whau Road”. The transfer of the ownership of ‘Smith Street’ was made “subject nevertheless ..... to such rights of way as have been granted or otherwise created over the same”. I presume that Sophia conveyed title to the lane into Monthey’s name because Lots 16 and 17 were the last lots in the subdivision which remained in her ownership and so she needed to divest herself of the ownership of the lane.

On 17th July 1907, Mr. Monthey conveyed ownership of Lots 16 and 17 into the name of my grandmother, Maude Mary Turner. The price she paid to Mr Monthey was £150. The Deed also conveyed to my grandmother, ownership of the freehold of the lane, again “now known as Smith Street”, subject to the rights of way already created. 

My grandmother and grandfather had a house built on Lots 16 and 17, and the Turner family (father, mother and 8 sons) went into occupation of the house on 9th September 1909. My grandfather also had 3 glasshouses erected on that land. He grew grapes, tomatoes and cucumbers and experimented with growing strawberries and peaches under glass. (He had been a nurseryman in England before coming to New Zealand in 1885.) Perhaps the fact that the Meola Stream traversed the property was an attraction. At that time it was an open watercourse and it would have been a permanent source of water for his growing operations.

In October 1910, my grandmother applied to have the title to her property converted into a ‘Land Transfer’ one. To do that, she had to have her property surveyed, surrender her title Deeds, and supply the names and addresses of all adjoining owners and occupiers. Her survey plan (No. 6763) defined as her property both Lots 16 and 17 and the lane, but the lane was subject to “such Rights of way (as are) already granted or created over (it).” Her application drew objections from some neighbours claiming that Selwyn Road (alias Albert Road, alias Smith Street) was a public road. It also provoked a petition to the Borough Council, signed by two hundred people, asking that the Council take the necessary steps to have the road taken as a public road. 

In May 1911, my grandfather, Edward, had been elected unopposed as one of the 2 Councillors for B Ward of the new Mt. Albert Borough Council. (The other was John E. Astley.) A deputation in support of the petition was heard by the Council on 30th January 1912; wisely, my grandfather did not attend the meeting. The deputation received a sympathetic hearing. But subsequently the council received legal advice that it had no power to take Selwyn Road over, and the petitioners had to be informed accordingly. (There may also have been a technical difficulty in that Selwyn Road was only 33 feet wide.) An interesting letter was written to the District Land Registrar on 20th February 1912 by Mr F W Monthey. He was still the owner of the land on the north-western side of my grandmother’s land, though he had moved to Masterton. He complained that it had been reported to him that “Mr. Turner has 3 men and 2 drays carting all the soil off our end (of Selwyn Road) in front of my home and land.” An interesting insight into my grandfather! Presumably he believed that as his wife owned Selwyn Road he could take the soil away, provided that he did not interfere with people’s right of passage over it. 

In the meantime, on 24th June 1911, my grandmother had given birth to her 9th son, in the Selwyn Road house. (She was then 45 years old.) He was named George Selwyn, but was always called ‘Selwyn’.

One of the neighbours who objected to my grandmother being given a Land Transfer title to Selwyn Road was Thomas Kirkup. At the time he was in the process of subdividing a large block of land on the northern side of Selwyn Road and constructing what became Jesmond Terrace. His objection was satisfied by my grandmother signing a Deed in October 1913 which conferred on all of his land an express right of way over Selwyn Road. By the same Deed he agreed that Jesmond Terrace would be taken up to the boundary of Selwyn Road, thus preventing Jesmond Terrace becoming a cul-de-sac. (In that Deed Selwyn Road is referred to as “Albert Road ....formerly known as Selwyn Road and as Smith Street”. ) That cleared the way for her Land Transfer title to be issued in February 1914. It of course included the ownership of Selwyn Road “subject to such rights of way as have been granted or otherwise created over (it)”.

My grandfather died in the Selwyn Road house on 18th June 1918. He was 71. My grandmother sold the property (including the Selwyn Road) to Leslie Victor Nicholls on 10th November 1919 for £2000. Mr. Nicholls continued to operate the plant nursery and was there until his death late in 1953. His widow then owned the property until her death in 1961. [According to Leslie Nicholl's granddaughter, this land was a swamp, and was not used as a nursery. He leased ground off Asquith Ave from a Mr Harper as a market garden -- edited 19 April 2020].

In 1938 the Mt Albert Borough Council had changed the name of Selwyn Road to Selcourt Road. Dick Scott recorded that that was done as part of a big renaming programme following a post office appeal to avoid duplication. 

In May 1964 the Borough Council took the Nicholls property (including Selcourt Road) under the Public Works Act “for municipal buildings”. In due course what had been Lots 16 and 17 were cleared and they became part of the civic centre site. In 1965 the council had Selcourt Road surveyed, and by the survey it was widened slightly for virtually the whole of its length. The Mayor at that time was my uncle Frank Turner, Edward and Maude Turner’s 8th son, who had lived in the Selwyn Road house during his childhood. In January 1974 another Proclamation was issued; this time it ‘took’ Selcourt Road (as defined in the latest survey) for street and vested the street in the Council. 

In recent years, a sealed vehicle carriageway has been provided along Selcourt Road as far as Jesmond Terrace. From there a pedestrian walkway connects to Asquith Avenue.
Arnold R. Turner
July 2010

The Deeds and Title searches providing the history of the ownership of Selwyn Road have been provided for me by Lisa Truttman.

Turner family history has been provided mainly from my father’s unpublished memoirs. My father, Harold Raymond Turner (Ray), born in December 1898, was the 7th son of Edward and Maude.

From my father’s memoirs:
Our new, large house faced Jesmond Terrace when it was formed, but at that time only had a frontage to a small lane, Selwyn Road. It was worthy of a better setting, but it had several acres of ground where my father set two of my brothers to work erecting greenhouses.

Next to us was a small cottage named Tyndall Cottage, which stood amid lovely shrubs and trees. It was occupied by old Mr Smith, a man with a patriarchal beard, a hunchback wife, four daughters, and an elderly widower son from a former marriage. Three of the girls went off to work each day while the youngest one ran the house and waited cheerfully on her father. He went about from house to workshop wearing an apron, and when he couldn’t find something would call out “Ann–eee” in a deep voice, and she would come running to him. The family was very fond of flowers, and grew many ferns and flowers among the shrubs. They also kept a few doves, whose gentle cooing we could hear. Years after we learnt that old Mr. Smith was younger than father.

The Turner house in Selwyn Road.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

The great Christchurch coloured towel riot of 1944

World War II, together with rationing restrictions and reduced imports, caused some interesting incidents here on the homefront. This is just one of them.

Christchurch, this day.
A milling, surging mass of people besieged a large city store this morning in a frantic attempt to buy coloured towels. As the doors opened women were thrown to the ground, handbags, gloves and baskets were scattered in all directions, counters were mounted by anxious buyers, and some of the staff were driven to the back of the shop and had to mount a merchandise rack to escape from the mob.

The first people arrived at the store before 7 o’clock, and by 8 o’clock there was a queue about 100 yards long and about six deep. By 8.30 the number had doubled and people were still arriving in droves.

With the opening of the doors the crowd yelled and surged forward, blocking the opening. Then, as some freed themselves from the crush and rushed the Manchester department, others were hurled through the door by pushing crowds at the back. Some landed full length on the ground and one girl hurtled into the shop with the front of her clothing ripped open.

As soon as they could assistants again locked the doors, but by this time those already in the store had swarmed over the show cases and counters, and waving coupon books and money, were demanding towels.

Forced Over Counters

The pressure of those at the back was so great that the people in front were forced over the counters and were soon milling around among the assistants and cash registers.

Several fainted and had to be hauled up on to the merchandise racks, which stand about 6 feet 6 inches in height, at the back of the counters.

By 9.30 the position was completely out of hand and the police were summoned. The arrival of two constables was greeted by cheers from the crowd, and soon they also were down behind the counters trying to clear a space in which the assistants could work. By this time emergency tills had been installed at the top of the merchandise rack and towels were being sold from there.

Factories close by report that many of their employees failed to turn up and they believed they were out buying towels.

The manager of the store expressed his disgust that people should be forced to undergo such an ordeal to obtain essential articles.

(Auckland Star, 26 July 1944)

The Commissioner for Supply, Mr F R Picot, was quick to point the finger of blame at the storeowner, though, saying that the store “teaser” advertised the towels and over-did the promotion. Coloured towels were usually imported from Britain, but (of course) the war got in the way of that, so at that point, New Zealand was waiting for supplies from America – and these were slow in coming. (Auckland Star, 29 July 1944)

And that solution caused an uproar too. Anything coming from America, it was feared, would add to the country’s Lend-Lease war debt with the United States. Imported coloured towels, it was feared, might ruin the economy for years to come … (Auckland Star, 2 August 1944)

I stopped looking through the newspapers at that point. Hopefully the towels, and the economy, were all sorted out in the end.

The saga of Avondale's heritage signs

I don't think I've posted about these before. They were "completed" in 2007. I use quote marks, because the original Community Board funded project called for three signs, two in Avondale's shopping centre, and one at the cemetery on Rosebank Road, the George Maxwell Memorial. The latter was dropped off the list due to a mis-communication (it's back on, now, but pending completion), and of the others, they were reduced from 2 to one and a half. This one in Memorial Reserve is the "half".

Memorial Reserve was granted to Auckland City Council post World War II by the Presbyterian parish at St Ninians. Today, it is Avondale's main war memorial site, and where Anzac Day services are held.

The Avondale-Waterview Historical Society were involved with the project from 2003. Our members attended planning meetings free of charge. We provided historical information. Checked text, for free. Were consulted regarding placement.

When it came to the signs themselves, only the Community Board and the local business association received credit. The notation you see in the photo above was added belatedly, after I became rather emotive, shall we say, and made my feelings known through the AWHS newsletter and to Board members. It's a sticker on the original sign, and misses the "-al" in Historical, part of our official incorporated name. A similar sticker was applied to the larger almost identical sign at the Town Centre, by Dale the Spider, but that's now missing, so the sign there has no relation to AWHS at all. Although it was part of the same project we were involved with.

That, and the two signs were supposed to reflect back on the heritage walks brochure  and site plaques done at the same time, which AWHS pushed through. But, the design teams at Auckland City thought differently.  Over the course of four years. So, we now have small brass plaques, hard to see up against shops on the footpath, (we weren't told when they were being laid in place, just before one of the Heritage Festivals, so there was no chance of a media promotion) a couple of signs just talking in general about Avondale's past, and a brochure that probably few use. The design department at Auckland City is called Communications & Marketing. In terms of the Avondale Walks Project, in my opinion, it turned out to be not really all that successful in terms of communication, or marketing. Sorry, I'm still rather disheartened about the whole thing.

But, hey, at least they show folks what a whau tree looks like.

Beggers can't be choosers, I guess. At least there's something on the streetscape ...

Friday, August 6, 2010

Jean Batten's dad's surgery sign

You'll find this at the Birkenhead Historical Society's museum here in Auckland.  My friend and former President of the Society Ray Johanson casually pointed up at this shop sign placed above one of the cottage's exit signs one Sunday, and told me that this was from the Birkenhead dental surgery operated by Jean Batten's father, Frederick Harold Batten. He didn't have that great an impact on her life, so they say. He didn't approve of Jean's flying career, separated from his wife Ellen in 1920 (Jean lived with her mother from that point) and straight from serving in World War I Fred Batten set up practice in Birkenhead.  During the war, according to the Auckland War Memorial Museum's Cenotaph database, Batten served as a Captain with the 28th Reinforcements E Company, embarking 14 July 1917. His wife Ellen was living in Devonport at the time. He appears to have died in 1967, aged 88, going by a quick look at the online BDMs.

There are photos of him online, via the Auckland City Library's website (Heritage Images), but mainly his only claim to any immortality in the infornation banks of history is that he fathered a very famous daughter.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Timespanner's card

Today, I took delivery of a pile of business cards for the blogsite.

Readers may think it a bit odd, a barmy history nut like me ordering up business cards for Timespanner. A bit of a brag, perhaps. Well, possibly -- but the main reason is the trouble I've had for nearly two years now explaining to folks just how to access the blog. And because of Timespanner's main raisons d'être -- historical research and stories, photos of control boxes, art and murals along the way -- the need to be able to communicate to folks that Timespanner is one word and what the site URL is gets more and more frequent.

It has helped that Blogger is linked to Google, so putting Timespanner in Google will usually point you here, without much trouble, but -- folks keep think Timespanner is two words. Even when I say it isn't.

So -- the card. Which I think looks great, and was prepared by Words Incorporated at Blockhouse Bay, who also prepare periodicals I'm involved with such as the Avondale Historical Journal, NZ Legacy, Point Chevalier Times, and publications such as Point Chevalier Memories, Wairaka's Waters, The Zoo War, A Doctor in the Whau, They Trained Beside the River, and the St Ninian's of Avondale 150th anniversary booklet.

Brom there does great business cards.

An update: Just realised today the image is that of the Eagle (lower right), one of the Waitemata paddle steamers. It comes from my postcard collection.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Heritage on billboards II

In October last year, I came across four heritage billboards at Henderson Train Station.

Now, there's four new ones. Click to enlarge the thumbnails.

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Photobucket Photobucket


Sunday, August 1, 2010

Former Devonport Automatic Telephone Exchange building

I don't know enough about this, one of my favourite buildings on the North Shore. This may be the telephone exchange built in 1902, according to North Shore Library's "Local History Online". Archives New Zealand hold records of a major tender let for work on the Automatic Exchange in 1964, so there have been changes, but -- the façade is wonderfully detailed with the paintwork, and certainly looks Edwardian.

Update 26 October 2013: A site was obtained for an automatic telephone exchange at Devonport for £730 in 1917. (NZ Herald 12 October 1917) Tenders were called for in 1919 by G T Murray, district engineer, Public Works Office in Auckland (NZ Herald 4 August 1919).

Tenders for the erection of automatic telephone exchange buildings in brick, at Takapuna and at Devonport, are being called for by the Public Works Department. It will be some time, however, before the exchanges will be in operation, for the exchange buildings in the city (already erected) will be fitted out first by the Post and Telegraph Department. The Xakapuna, Devonport, and Onehunga exchanges will be satellite exchanges to the city exchanges. The site of the Takapuna exchange is in Earnoch Avenue, and the Devonport exchange is in Clarence Street.

Auckland Star 8 August 1919

£1800 was allowed in estimates to build the exchange (NZ Herald 24 October 1919) but there had been still nothing constructed at Clarence Street when, in 1922, new estimates allowed for £1500 for the building. (NZH 30 January 1922). By the following year, it was completed. So the building is younger than the references available via Local History Online have as listed. This is probably due to confusion between the building of the automatic exchange, and an earlier manual exchange attached to Devonport's Post Office from c.1906.

A sudden chance of mortality for life

This gravestone beside St Paul's Presbyterian Church on Albert Road in Devonport caught my eye because of the blankness of it. Philip Henry Ford was 16 when he tragically died, but the rest of his family are not here with him. The wording got to me too: "who suddenly chanced mortality for life."
Sad Accident.

Tins afternoon a painful feeling was created in town by the intelligence that a lad named Ford had shot himself at the North Shore. Phillip Ford, aged 16 years, son of Mr Ford, baker, Devenport, was going out to shoot about noon, accompanied by another lad named Green. They were proceeding towards Narrow Neck, when they started to run, in order to leap the fence which lay in their path; and in doing so he slipped and fell and the fowling piece which he carried being loaded, was accidentally discharged. The full charge of shot struck him on the head, near the ear, and inflicted a deadly wound. The lad Green at once gave the alarm and had his unfortunate companion carried home, but his injuries were so severe that he died almost immediately after removal. 

Waikato Times, 1 July 1884

This one, in the same area, is just sad. Inscription long gone, the stone obviously was broken at one point then reset. It's simply a testament to the weathering power of the elements when it comes to our memory, I guess. Fortunately Philip Ford's stone has withstood that test.

Momentos from World War II

CatB has very kindly given permission to share the following from a scrapbook in her collection. Click to enlarge.

The 67th AA Searchlight battery were headquartered at Hurstmere Road, Takapuna, according to Peter Cooke in Defending New Zealand (2000). 

The Defence Department had involvement with Rangitoto in the last century from the 1930s, but facilities there were intended not as armed defence batteries, but as guidance facilities, to assist the other batteries in aiming for the target. The "WARNING: The bearer understands the possibility of ricochet shots, and visits the island at his or her own risk" intrigues me. Were all visitors to the island put through these stringent measures?