J. Wiseman & Sons started out as saddlers -- by 1911, they apparently diversified. I just like this ad for the Edwardian feel of what the man and woman are wearing. I do wonder how she's staying in the hammock without having a nasty tumble.

Curicura Medicinal Toilet Soap -- still going strong after all these years (in their case, since 1865). The ad is American in origin, reprinted without alteration, and showing a price on the box of 25 cents. The manufacturers used lots of cute baby art to sell their product here.

This ad is here mainly because of the name, "Wahoo".

I'd say this was an ad from the Australian market for the American Winchester brand of rifle and pistol cartridges, what do you think?

Mosgiel rugs were rightly famous here, in Australia and over in the US even at the beginning of last century. " THE PRIMACY OF THE MOSGIEL RUG is acknowledged the world over; The Perfection of its Quality, the Luxurious Richness of its Finish, the Artistic Character of its Designs, and its Durability make the "MOSGIEL" Rug the typical product of this young Dominion. Tourists can purchase genuine "MOSGIEL" at the leading Drapers and Outfitters," according to an ad in the NZ Tablet in 1908.
This ad, though, just looks attractive to me, and part of its time.
This ad, though, just looks attractive to me, and part of its time.
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