Photo of the first Terminus Hotel, built c.1882 and destroyed by fire in 1905. (The second Terminus Hotel burned in 1931). Probably closely associated with the completion of the Kaipara line to Helensville.

Cambridge Dairy Association Factory at Hautapu, between Hamilton and Cambridge. A local company established the factory in 1885, and were taken over by Hally and George Watt in 1889. "The buildings, which are of wood and iron, , are erected on freehold property close to the railway station. There are concrete floors throughout, and there are two cool chambers, each 18 feet by 20 feet. The factory has a first rate refrigerating plant, and butter and cheese are made, and bacon is cured and smoked in separate departments. There are two Alpha-Laval separators, each with a capacity of 440 gallons, and of the large quantity of milk passed through daily, half is made into cheese and the rest into butter. The motive power is a six horse nominal Tangye engine. A great deal of bacon is made at the factory, and about 5000 pigs are killed annually. An eight-roomed house for the resident partner stands close to the factory."

The Gordon Creamery, Piako District. Owned by the NZ Dairy Association, it was built in 1897, and its Alexandra separator was capable of treating 300 gallons of milk per hour. Ten suppliers milked from 200-300 cows, with the quantity "steadily increasing" as at 1902. The cream was sent daily to the Waharoa railway station, seven miles away.
At this time, the township of Gordon had 100 inhabitants.
At this time, the township of Gordon had 100 inhabitants.

Hauling logs, Kennedy's Bush, Coromandel.

J. R. Hanna photograph: "Bubbles: Young Aucklanders at Play."
Love the kids they are so cute. Cool Diary factory pics too.